Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I come from England.  I lived in a town called Bideford.  I am 7 and turning 8 on the 29th of February.
My favourite colour is violet and my favourite teacher is Mr B.
1. to improve at writing 
2. to get better at maths
3. to improve my spelling


Rock climbing
My sister

This is my sister and the rock climbing    
We have the Turangawaewae multicultural festival because our school has people from all over the world that get taught here in Parklands.  We also have it to raise money for our school.

There were lots of activities there.  There were magnetic fish, a bouncy castle, rock climbing and a game       
where you have to hit a ball and try to land on the $20 dollars.  I enjoyed the rock climbing.  You had to bring a gold donation too.
Luisa with her funky dress from Tuvalu


We have book week because we want to get kids into reading. Becky arranged it. During the week we had drop everything and read (D.E.A.R). My Mum came and read to us.   So did Elise. We had to to book reviews and I did Ingo by Helen Dunmore. We had a parade around town on Friday and we all got to wear mufti. All too soon it was over. By Ria
Room 3 and 4's trip to Lake Rotoiti
Room 3 and 4 went to a big lake called Lake Rotoiti. The bus trip was horrible,smelly and absolutely disgusting. I'm not blaming the poor boys that was sick, but I have to say they were all at the back and it was a bit silly to be at the back when you can be sick in the car. 2 boys were sick and 1 felt sick and told the bus driver to pull over. Poor bus driver having to clean up all the sick. When we got there everyone was longing to get out and get fresh air.  Ahhh fresh air at last."I thought. A girl called Peta who is from the visitors center was waiting for us and interdused herself to us all. We went a little into the woods and stopped walking to listen to Peta. After a little while looking at the sign we moved to another sign and talked about the honey dew walk. Honey dew is poo and wee , it's from scale insects and it's the cleanest poo i've ever seen. Peta told us that wasps eat honey dew and so do birds so wasps are bad. The honey dew is stuck on a thread witch is stuck to a tree. Some people tried it and apparently it tasted like honey,that explains it, thats why its called honey dew probably. We had lunch and poor me was in tears because I lost my lunch box lid in the water. We all walked over to the visitor center and watched a video about eels. The bus drive home was alot better than the first. I'm sure we all had a good time.
Lake Rotoiti
Ducks at Lake Rotoiti
On Tuesday the 12th  of June David came to talk to us about his trip to Antarctica and Nepal. David is a water scientist but he talked to us about a lot of the issues in Antarctica. One was climate change. In the winter the ice grows and in the summer the ice melts.
Another issue is Biodiversity.
I think climate change is more important because it effects us to, by the water rising and also all the life on Antarctica will go and lose their habitat which will be ruined. Already lots of life in Antarctica has gone down in number. I like the Elephant seals. They are really smelly We, as in Parklands School gave David a kiwi called Pakarana to take to Antarctica and then he took him to Nepal as well.
Scott Base
A cute little Penguin

Elephant seals fighting
Elephant seals

                                         Treasure Island
This story starts in the Admiral Benbow, an inn.  Jim  Hawkins (played by Quin) works there.  Billy Bones (played by Shanti ) comes to stay.  He has a chest full of treasure.  He was once a pirate, a member of Capain  Flint's crew.  He is visited by Black  Dog (played by Stevie  )who fights him.  Then the evil Blind pew  (played by Sasha ) comes and scares him to death.
Jim gets the map.  He gets the Goodies, Dr Livesey (played by Charlie ) Squire Trelawney (played by Sarah ),  Mr Dance (played by Shannen ) and they hire a ship called the Hispaniola.  The captain is Captain  Smollett (played by Makayla ) who gets Long John Silver  (played by Madison ) to collect a crew.  Long John Silver is evil and one of Captain Flint's pirates.  He collects all the other pirates and away they sail.
On the trip Jim hears of a plot to kill the goodies and take the treasure them selves. When they get to the island the Goodies go to the ship. The baddies go in search of the treasure.  An old pirate called Ben Gunn (played by Zion ) who has been marooned, arrives and joins the goodies.
Jim takes off and sails the ship around the island.  The pirates have nowhere to go.  There's a big fight.  The pirates are winning until they hear Ben Gunn who they think is a ghost of Captain Flint. Ben Gunn screams horribly.
My favourite character was Ben Gunn because I like his costume.
My part in the show was the ending song.
The ending song
The singers
Some of the characters
Ben Gunn
Its 2012 an Olympic year and we are all going to cheer on team G.B (well I will make sure of it- hopefully).  I watched the opening ceremony and the English really overdid them selves. At first there were lots of fields with flowers growing and people dancing around the may pole (In May we have a festival with people holding ribbons tied to the may pole while people make pattens by waving in and out in and out dancing to the music. In the end the may pole has a pattern of ribbons around it.) Weeding gardens and dancing together in the sun, the next minute it was a working place with real chimneys and it actually smelt like smoke in the stadium. Then, wow!! It was a hospital with Voldermort trying to get to a child,  then down came Mary Poppins and scared Voldermort away. The big scaredy cat or should I say scaredy wizard!  Then the countries came and paraded around the stadium. I'm looking forward to watching a game. Play the Videos
By Ria and Mr Bean
The Amazing race     
Every year we have a fun run, but this year we had the street race. The street race is a new name and activity for our school. Why is it different from the fun run? It is 
Rock da house 2011

Hello my name is Ria and I'm in the rock da house choir.  The senior syndicate is doing it- year 8,7,6,5 and some year 4s. My favourite song is Eye of the tiger. There is about 14 songs and the end one- If you want to sing out- has to be strong.  The first one has to be strong to, its called We will rock you, that is a strong song so it will be easy to make that one strong, but If you want to sing out will be hard to make strong, because we will all be tired out, but we will try our hardest for sure.  The organisers are Paulette and John.  Makayla and Jason won the auditions for the main part for our school, and they are both brilliant singers.  We practice Monday and Tuesday and on Wednesday we will be going to the final practice in the Memorial hall.  Mrs Kenny is Parklands school's person who leads the practices.
The tickets are 10 dollars and you can get them from the Parklands school office.
I hope everyone will enjoy the show.
Rock Da House after the show.....
Quin playing his ukelele
I am beside Amber
The whole choir
What an amazing performance it was!!  I think we were brilliant.
Let's start with what I did in the show.  Some of my friends and I had to gather in the wing of the hall, until we were told to line up and sit on stage.  The opening song was booming in my ears.  Here I go, I thought as I sat down.  The beat of the first song, We will rock you, started.  Everyone stated stamping and clapping to the beat of the song.  I was having fun already and I hadn't even started singing.  I clenched my stomach, I have butterflies in my stomach, I said in my head.    A soon as the curtains opened the song began. Everyone joined in, Have you had a hard day, long day, standing, and a working on your feet, trying earn your pay, put a smile on your face and watch this space , cause Tasman kids are gonna rock this place.  I loved the moment.
I couldn't wait until our soloists Makayla and Jason sing their song.  But all too soon it was over, and the curtains had closed.  What a night I had!!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
Last week, on Monday, our very special school, Parkland's, had a shared lunch with really healthy food, because it was the start of Oral health week.  I will tell you some interesting things.  Did you know that sugar can't harm you on it's own?, it's only a problem when it gets into the microorganisms. But the tooth brush, tooth paste and dental floss is here to save you!  You should brush with fluoride tooth paste and a soft bristle tooth brush, (not a house keeping brush!!!) and floss at least once a day.  Some healthy food is: Fruit, Vegedables and Weet. Did you know that dairy products, like milk, are in the eat occasionaly pile? If you don't believe me look at the new food pyramid!!  Well, teeth are very important, and I hope you have taken this information in well to find that your teeth will be sparkling clean!!
Ew, disgusting!

I was goal attack then.
Me as WA, chasing after the ball.

On the 14-9-12 we, year 4, 5 and six had winter tournament.  Some played soccer, some played rugby, some hockey and last of all netball.  I'm going to talk about netball, because that was the sport I was in.  There was fourteen games, we had four byes and lost two, and if my calculations are correct we won eight!, for me that's pretty good!  I was WA (Wing Attack) in most of the fourteen games.  Oh, by the way, byes are when you are suppose to play another team but they have a different number of players compared to you.  Actually, I'm glad net ball got to go on the bus. It would take for ever to walk to the Recreation center.  I had a lovely day, and I'm almost 100% sure that everyone else did too!


In the third quarter in term three, our teacher Mr.B, informed us that we were going to make some cars, because room three were making really awesome go-carts.  We were going to have the race ages ago, but people were really slack at making their cars, and had to change the date, but some people still hadn't made their cars.  I'm going to tell you step by step how I made my car...
Step 1~ I made a quick little plan about how I might make it, what it might look like and what I might need.
Step 2 ~ I grabbed a bottle and a pump, this was my first test! First I tried it going forward and then up.  When I did it up, it flew into the neighbour's.
Step 3 ~ I made a cork out of a car's tyre velve, and a cork with a hole through it.
Step 4 ~ I made a little board for the bottle to rest on.
Step 5 ~ I screwed on some skate-board wheels.
Step 6 ~ Poos! It was too heavy!
Step 7 ~ Try again!! I un-screwed the wheels and screwed on a lighter board.
Step 8 ~ It worked!!
My car didn't Go, but loads of other peoples cars didn't go either.  Mr.B said that we could do the race again!  When we did the race again, my car squirted the Teacher, and half of the class!!
By Ria Knoef
 Room four


I'm the one withe the blonde hair, second to the end of the row.
The boys doing there haka.

On the 8~11~12 was the first Kapa Haka fun day that the Tasman schools performed, the years 2,3,4,5, and 6.  It was an amazing success! I'm 99.9% sure that everyone enjoyed it.  We, room 4 and 3, sang Pai mai, E Rona, and Potini.  We were the host school and to be honest, I think that the year 3 and 2's were the best.

When we were waiting back stage, everyone was chattering and the people on the stage were like "What the?"  and so we got told off, and settled down to watch the year 2 and 3's on the television.

As soon as I stepped on to the stage everyone were clapping, but above all of the crowd, were our smiles!


Hi my name is Makayla  and I come from Nelson.   I  also like playing squash and doing jump jam. My favourite colour is purple.  My goal for this year is to get better at my writing and to learn how to do paragraphs.


On February 24/2/12 we had the Turangawaewae festival. We have  it so we can celebrate lots of people from all over the world.  There were bouncy castles and pony rides and cup cakes.   My favourite part was the hot chips.   Yum yum yum!!!
Louisa  in cool costume
Quin playing ukelele.
having fun doing jump jam.

yummy fried bread.
We have book week because we want to encourage people to read and have fun doing it.
During book week we had drop everything and read.
For the parade went went out the gate and up the road cross the street througth the kindy and back to the school.

On Tuesday 20 of May 2012 room 3 and 4 went to lake Rotoiti. On the way to lake Rotoiti 3 people vomited. First one vomited then another felt sick so we had to stop for a while then a third vomited.   It was disgusting. When we finally got off the bus we had some morning tea which made some people feel better. After we had morning tea we went into the beech forest. While we were in the beech forest we talked about how humans and pests are wrecking our native wild life by cutting down trees and catching our native birds. First our group went on the bellbird walk where we learnt about alot of interesting facts about our wild life. After that we went on the honey dew walk. In my group there was Alexa I , Ria K, Alex B and Raven A. We did a quiz which as fun. After that we had lunch which was long over due. We got to see some long fin eels which was cool.  On the way back nobody was sick which was good.A The trip was awesome!!!!

This story starts in the Admiral Benbow, an inn.  Jim  Hawkins (played by Quin) works there.  Billy Bones  (played by Shanti) comes to stay.  He has a treasure map .  He was once a pirate, a member of Captian  Flint's crew.  He is visited by Black Dog (played by Stevie) who fights him.  Then the evil Blind pew  (played by Sasha) comes and scares him to death.
Jim gets the map . He gets the Goodies, Dr Livesey (played by Charlie) Squire Trelawney (played by Sarah),  Mr Dance (played by Shannen) and they hire a ship called the Hispaniola.  The captain is Captain  Smollet (played by Makayla) who gets Long John (played by Madison) to collect a crew.  Long John is evil and one of Captain Flint's  pirates.  He collects all the other pirates and away they sail.
On the trip Jim  hears of a plot to get the treasure. When they get to the island the Goodies go to the stockade. The baddies go in search of the treasure.  An old pirate called Ben Gunn (played by Zion) who has been marooned, arrives and joins the gang.
Jim takes off and sails the ship around the island.  The pirates have nowhere to go.  There's a big fight.  The pirates are winning until they hear Ben Gunn who they think is a ghost of Captain Flint.  Ben Gunn screams horribly.
They all run away and the goodies find the treasure and sail back to England. 
My favourite part was  When Billy and  Blackdog fight because there's lots of action 
My favourite character was (why?)  Jim because he was funny and made fun  of the captain My part in the show was  Captain Smollett.
Hanging out back stage.
Awesome production.
On Friday 27th July we had the Street Race.The year 6 girls went first so  got up and walked nervously to the starting line getting ready we were all anxiously waiting then "CLAP" off went the block. We all shot off like a rocket racing past the goalpost and across the fence line out the gate and on the street.First we went down Pah street then we raced past the marae and down Poole Street.                                                                                                                                                                    
The Olympics happen every four years.  Every country from around the world come to compete in these games. This year they took part in London, England. There are three different types of medals, gold, silver and bronze.There are all different types of games.   There are track and field, Hockey, Cycling and Equestrian just to name a few.  Did you know that in the ancient Olympics they would go to the temple of  Zeus to show their strengths, also they used to light the torch because they believed it to be sacred. There are two different types of Olympics there are the Paralympics and the normal Olympics. New Zealand has gotten 6 golds, 2 silvers, and 6 bronze. Valerie Adams also got a gold medal because the Belarus person was pulled up for taking drugs. WATCH HERE.
                                                                                                                                                                                ROCK DA HOUSE.
  This year parklands school is participating in Rock Da House.  Rock Da House is a school choir that all the schools in the Tasman region do.  This year I get to be a soloist for 'We are the world'.  My favourite songs are 'Hey soul sister', 'Bad hair day' and 'One day' I also like 'We are the world' but that's because I have to if I want to sing it well.  The people who organise it are Paulette and John their daughter  is the leader of the band Peasants.  The performance is on the 30 of August I'm so excited and scared.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              THE PERFORMANCE.                                                                                                                                                                            On the 30 of august was the performance. We started off with We will rock you it was awesome and it was an awesome way to start the night.  I think the soloists did pretty well.  Jason was pitch perfect and Josh was wicked and I got lots of positive comments. The audience roared after every song. My favourite part was when we all got to get up and dance to the music.                                                                                                                                                                          
Last week we had oral health week. We learned about what foods are good for your teeth and what foods are bad for your teeth.  I did a project on ancient toothpaste.   Did you know they use to mix honey and tobacco to clean their teeth yuck!!!  I also learned that your teeth can't just look good on the outside but they have to be good on the outside. My favourite part was the big shared lunch.
disgusting teeth.
healthy teeth.

winter sports

We have winter sports because it keeps us healthy and is a fun thing to do each year.
The sports include Netball, Soccer, Rugby and Hockey.
I played Soccer and we came fourth in the blue pool and sixth overall.
When we played Brooklyn we won 7 to 0 which was pretty good.
The hardest school we played was Mapua.
I had a really fun time.
The best parts were when we won the games.