Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Hi!   My name is Daniel.  I have four goldfish,  two cats and one rabbit.  I have three brothers.   Rory,  Ralph and Alex.  My birthday is on July the third.  I am nine years old.
I like lego and riding my bike.  My friends are Connor, Piper-mae, Bailey and Alex.  My favourite movie is Pirates of the Caribbean at worlds end. 
I play cornet with the Nelson junior brass band and Motueka Junior  brass band.  NICK SHARP conducts the band       

The London 2012 Olympic Games started with THE OPENING CEREMONY then Nick Willis brought the New Zealand flag in.  Nick Willis is a New Zealand runner. NEW ZEALAND.  liked the diving because it was incredible.  The next Olympics are held in Rio.       
This is my first videoclip
WATCH HERE         

ROCK DA HOUSE                                                                                                                                                                

I like rock da house because I like singing. The concert is on 30th of August 2012. We sang Eye of the Tiger and Bad Hair day and other songs. John and Paulette instructed us.

Oral Health Week
In oral heath week we did lots of cool and interesting activities like we researched for information, put in a project, made a poster and we also had a shared lunch.



The winter sport day was held on the 14.9.12  I did hockey and we played 10 games. I played along with Piper-mae, Balley, Lisa, Connor,  and others.  We had two teams one A grade and one B grade.


My car was firstly powered by rubber band and propellor and the body was a milk bottle.  The body was too heavy.  My next  car was propelled by water rocket.


On the 29th of October 2012 the Aniwaniwa room opened.  Aniwaniwa  means rainbow.  Every student got a chocolate after the building was blessed and we went to play.    

 kapa haka

the kapa haka festival is coming up and we are sing PAMAI,E RONA AND POUINI .  pouini is haka and we had to scream.



  1. Never use the undo
  2. create a link
  3. own blog
  4. put pictures in
  5. caption pics
  6. place pics side by side
  7. youtube clips
  8. italics
  9. use fonts
  10. size
  11. make bold
  12. underline
  13. spell check
  14. align heading
  15. numbered list
  16. preview
  17. to update
  18. sign out and sign in
  19. get pics from internet
  20. get pics from server
  21. Smartnet
  22. Create slideshow
  23. view the Parklands website


    Tuesday, July 24, 2012


    My name is Shanti .  My favourite food is dalmadas and Samoan food.  My favourite song is I CARE by Beyonce and Gangnam style by PSY.   My favourite movies are Adele Blanc Sec,Tintin and the lord of the rings series.  I am 11.  My interests are the piano, acting and greek mythology.  My goal for the year is to be more organized.

    MARCH 2

    1. Why do we have the multicultral festival - We want to celebrate our multicultural school
    - To fundraise for the welfare of our school.
    2. The activities . My favourite activities

    Aman Bookweek on PhotoPeach

     Why do we have book week? We have book week to encourage kids to read and find out about book characters. Who got it arranged? Becky Frost the librarian During the week at 10.15 everyday we  D.E.A.R which stands for drop everything and read. We also did book reviews. mine was called The Supernaturalist, if you want to see it you can go on rom 4s page on Parklands school.
    Me(as Billy Bones) with more book characters.

    On the Friday of Book Week the whole school dressed up and clattered around most of High Street Our theme was islands, so I dressed up as Billy Bones off Treasure Island. I wore my blue singlet with an unbuttoned shirt on top, with a black sash, red bandanna and rum bottle. some other people dressed up as islanders (mainly pirates) and Mrs Milne even dressed up as the jelly bean queen.

    On Tuesday the 22nd of May rooms 3 and 4 went to Lake Rotoiti, it took hours to get there, sadly some people get carsick so the poor bus driver had to clean it all up. when we at last got there I gasped the Lake twinkled in the sunlight like a glittering jewel. We had some morning tea and a lady divided us up into groups so I went with Miss Q with Lily, Corey and Conrad. We found out that honeydew is actually the waste of a female scale insect, but that could not stop me from eating as much as I could! Lily spotted a stoat trap and I recalled the time when I went up Mt Arthur with Mr T and Dad.  The trappers put in a lure like a chicken's egg and the stoats think "mmmmm" so they walk along the wooden part then when they went on the metal part BAM the metal part crushes them quickly and humanely (thank goodness for that)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
    I want that waistcoat
    Nice knife, Charlie
    This story starts in the Admiral  Benbow, an inn. Jim  Hawkins  (played by Quin) works there.  Billy Bones (played by Shanti/ me) comes to stay. He has a treasure map. He was once a pirate, a member of Captain Flint's crew. He is visited by Black  Dog (Stevie)who fights him. Then the evil Blind Pew (Sacha) comes and scares him to death. Jim gets the map.                                                                                                                                                                                                       He gets the Goodies, Dr Livesey (Charlie) Squire Trelawney (Sarah), Mr Dance (Shannon) and they hire a ship called the Hispniola. The captain is Captain  Smollet (Makayla) who gets Long John Silver  (Madison) to collect a crew.   Long John Silver is evil and one of Captain Flint's pirates.  He collects all the other pirates and away they sail.  On the trip Jim  hears of a plot to kill the goodies and get the treasure.                                                                                                                                                                                  When they get to the island the Goodies go to the Stockade . The baddies go in search of the treasure. An old pirate called Benn Gunn (Zion) who has been marooned , arrives and joins the goodies. Jim takes off and sails the ship around the island. The pirates have nowhere to go. There's a big fight. The pirates are winning until they hear Ben Gunn  whom they think is a ghost of Captain Flint. Benn Gunn screams horribly.. They all run away and the goodies find the treasure and sail back to England.                                                                                                                                     My favourite part was (Sweet Home Treasure Island)

    I almost made it!!!
    On the 27 of July Parklands school held the annual street race.  We each have 5 teams each of them are the olympic colours.  Blue, black, red, yellow, and green.  I'm in the best house, Green house!!!  There is a lot of competition between the houses. We always come up with a chant each year ours was WERE GREEN WERE KEEN WERE THE FASTEST TEAM GOOOOOOOO GREEN we go around some of the town bellowing our chants.   It's awesome.  
    Before we start we get into our age groups I went into year 6 girls.   Mr Major held a clappy thing. READY SET GO!!!   We all ran like the wind, we had to go around the back field past Talbert street down Pah street around the Marae and down to Poole street.  We go through the park where the Kindy is.  We ran back past Talbot street and back to the field and thats when I stopped jogging and  started sprinting.   I was coming 2nd after  Sarah.   Phew!!   We went into the chutes for our age group.  I was 2nd and it felt amazing.   
    The run made me feel really good and we each got a Juicy but  I was so puffed I actually was glad  when I got brain freeze. I was going to Rabbit island!!!  I went in a photo for the 1st 2nd and 3rds Sarah came first and Sophie came 3rd. And I cant wait until we do it again next year! 

    Green House.  The BEST!!!!
    The olympics is when countries all over   the world gather every four years and do  a series of sports and competitions only the  best people of each of the countries may compete.
    The people who come 1st 2nd and 3rd each get fame and medals gold,silver and bronze ( + they also get to be on tv longer than usual to which is pretty awesome.) 
    I have 3 favourite sports Gymnastics, Equestrian and  synchronised swimming is pretty cool. 
    Yes I think we got quite a few but I can only remember one person getting one their name was Valerie Adams who did shotput. at first she only got the silver medal but they found out that the person who got gold was having drugs so they got disqualified.                                                                                         
    Yes there is the Parolympics which is a special kind of Olympics in which people with disability can 
                                  ROCK DA HOUSE CHOIR                                                             
    Some classes in our school do the rock da house choir (say QUI-ER) . A choir is a group of people who sing songs together, then eventually we get together with other schools and do a big concert. Our concert is on the 30th August 2012. Some choirs have soloists we have three soloists  2 boys and a girl they're names are Makayla, Jason and Quin they each have their main song they are: We are the world (Makayla)  Falling slowly (Jason) and Hey soul sister (Quin). We have lots of songs they are called:                                   
    1- Black horse and a cherry tree by (someone I don't know)                                                                        
    2- California dreaming by (someone else I also don't know)                                                                        
    3- Count on me by Bruno Mars                                                                                                                    
    4- Eye of the tiger from the movie Rockie
    5- If you wanna sing out by Kat Stevens                                                                             
    6- Ma Te Mahi Ka Ora by John                                                                                                              
    7- We will rock you by Queen                                                                                                  
    8- One day by (someone who likes PEACE)                                                                                                 
    9- Something in the water by Brooke Fraser
    10- Bad hair day by John  11- We're gonna have a party by (someone COOL)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
    We have been to two different schools so far which are Riwaka and Motueka South. There has been two instructers there for us their names are Paulette and John (yes the John who wrote bad hair day and Ma Te Mahi Ka Ora). It's been really fun so far but it was really funny at last assembly because everyone looked real serious and I was one of the only people smiling because I was trying not to crack up. 
    THE SHOW                                                                      
    It's been the 30th of August already so we have done our performance it was so fun. My mum and dad rated it 100 %. When the soloists did they're part the crowd went wild. I was smiling the whole time except for when it was the sad songs.  Makayla, Jason and Quin were amazing.  It was weird because before the show we could not find a wig because mum left it at her school and the ones at the Warehouse were all sold out so Mr B gave me a sparkly gold one. In an Austrian yodel song the audience had to do actions with us and they failed miserably (hahahaha).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
     Oral Health Week 
                                                                                                                                                      This term our topic was Oral health care. I learned many new things - I leaned you should only use toothpaste containing Fluoride - I also learned the layers of a tooth:  The crown- The crown is the part of the tooth you can see it acts as a sort of tooth guard. The enamel- The enamel is probably the strongest part of the tooth its very white and shiny. The dentine- The dentine is nearly as hard as the enamel and is the color of ivory. The pulp- The pulp is the part of the tooth which contains the blood vessels and the nerves. I learnt a lot of things in oral health week!!!      
    Gorgeous teeth
    devastating teeth

    WINTER TOURNAMENT                      
    On Friday the 14th of September  2012 we held a winter tournament between the schools.  My sport was netball ( I do it on Saturdays ).  The people in my team were Amy- Laura- Chevaughn- Amber- Karina- Lucia- Siobhan and Charlotte.  We won all our games and got more points than any other team. The hardest team we played was Mapua but we beat them by three points!!!  My positions were WA and GK ( I didn't like being GK ).  Sadly we didn't have lunchtime so we ate in the gaps between the games.  Our bags were on the seats overlooking the courts.  We also did some Warm up games in between the actual games.  We played,  Cut the cabbage and Windows.  We also did netball stretches  .  In one game we bet the other team by sixteen points.  ( don't think they were as experienced as us. )  It was a tiring but eventful day and I had a great time.


    Over the holidays room four created cars for a school project. We held the race on Friday the 19th in the Memorial Hall. We raced our cars in groups of their type. There were all kinds of cars, battery powered, rubber band propelled, run by rattraps and push powered. Fergus's car was the fastest. The cord was connected to a remote control. It was so fast that sparks fell to the floor but thankfully they died out quickly!!! We didn't make Ryan's go in the memorial hall because his was firework propelled. Unfortunately Ryan's car didn't move but just backfired smoke and sparks. My car was rubber band propelled and took long and hard work to make but it just kept falling apart! The race was fun and exciting and I'm pretty sure everyone enjoyed it.


    Yesterday after Mr B called register we lifted our chairs up and stumbled out the door. Chevaughn was my buddy. Mr T gave us and room 3 a lecture on how to be on our best behaviour, because there will be lots of important people there.

    The whole school (holding their chairs) filed into rows. The youngest at the front, and the oldest at the back. Me being a year six was considerably near the back.

    Us children and some of the teachers went to bless the multipurpose room.  The first to bless it were the teachers who used to teach in the room. (It used to be room 10 and 11). After the teachers blessed it the Whanau blessed it. Afterwards it was the mainstream's turn. Like always the younger students went first, then the older students. While we were blessing the building the Whanau sang a song about the rainbow. After we blessed the room Whaea Tania hopped up the stairs and unveiled the actual name of the multipurpose room ... Aniwaniwa , which means rainbow.

    Whaea Tania started describing the story of the rainbow.  Once upon a time all of the colors were arguing about who was the greatest and most important. "Well of course I'm the most important" whero exclaimed. " I am the color of blood, without me there would be no humans or animals. Therefore i'm the greatest".  " You" Karaka scoffed. "I'm the colour of the sun". " without me there would be no warmth or light on earth, so i'm the most important color. " No, no, no"  Kowhai  bellowed. "I'm the color of flowers, without me there would be no beauty in the world". "You dim things", Kakariki crowed. " I'm the color of the trees without me there would be no shelter or fruit, so people couldn't eat.  So of course i'm the greatest.  "You dimwits" Kikorangi boasted. "I'm the color of the sky without me there would be no beautiful sky to look upon. "I'm also the colour of the streams and rivers. So without me there would be nothing to drink, so iIm obviously the most important color. " You are all wrong" Poroporo snapped. " I'm obviously the greatest because 'Im the color of peace and passion without me the world will turn into chaos".  "You fools", Pango boomed, "stop arguing you are all equally important". "Come to your senses". They realised that unity was the greatest and therefore became the rainbow. So whenever you see a rainbow remember hope is not lost and people can come together. 

    After Whaea Tania finished the story Selena, Hinekura and Aunty Mere showed the Tukutuku panel they had finally finished. As soon as I saw it it took my breath away. Whaea Tania showed us the meanings of the pictures on the work of art. Coming from the side and meeting each other in the middle was a set of rainbow stairs which represents the steps of life the first step is the first part of education. Through the whole middle of the panel, vertically, was a pole with three keti attached to it representing the three greatest gifts. Life, Love and Friendship. Beside the pole are 2 disks, on the left side there is a Tui made of Paua shell with a koro coming out of it's mouth, it represents the Maori culture and stories passing down through the generations. On the right side of the pole is three Weka entwined together representing Motueka. on the bottom step on the right side is a little Paua shell representing Glenn, a little boy on the first step of education who got killed earlier in the year. It made me miserable thinking of poor little Glenn but i'm glad Selina (his big sister) Hinekura and Aunty Mere paid an attribute to his memory. Below the Tukutuku panel is a block of wood with words carved into it saying: WHAIA TE ITI KAHURANGI. Which means reach for the stars. Later Whaea Marion asked us to pakipaki (clap) for the Carpenters, Plumbers, Electritions  E.T.C. It was so long that when it had finished it was playtime.


    On Thursday rooms 3 and 4 are going to perform at the Kapa Haka festival. We will be performing two Waiata's and one Haka but because I'm a girl I won't be doing the Haka. The Waiata's we will be performing is: Pa mai and E Rona, The Haka is Poutini. I will be singing and dancing on the left side in the second row. The leaders of our items are Alana (Pa mai), Shannon (E Rona) and for the Haka the leaders are Jack Doocey, Liam and Jackson. I feel excited about being on stage but nervous about the performance because i'm worried that I might get the dance moves wrong. The person who taught us the items is Whaea Brooke. She is really awesome. The schools who will also be performing is Mot South, Ngatimoti, St Peter Chanel, Riwaka and Brooklyn.


    Go senior juniors

    On the 8th of November we did the actual performance. I was so excited, but before anyone did their items Whaea Tania did a karakia. Soon after, the senior juniors of our school (parklands) did their performance. When the senior juniors performed we were in the back rooms watching the T.V which is connected to the camera at the back of the hall so we could see the stage. When their items finished it was our turn. We filed on stage and took our places. It was awesome!!! When the boys were doing the Haka Blake shouted Aue Kapa to early, thankfully it sounded like he was one of the leaders shouting before hand. When we had finished the other schools did their items. The best groups, the Potiki, Teina, and Tuakana classes were the best, and guess what they are all part of the Whanau class in Parklands. My little sister Teina in the Teina class (I know weird eh) has this really SCARY pukana. The Tuakana (the elder class) were amazing. Tagan and Haerepo did the poi on the sides they were astonishing, I wouldn't be able to do that to save my life! The day was so exciting and I'm 99.99% sure everyone enjoyed it.  


    1. Sign into Blogger. 
    2. Do two spaces after a full stop. 
    3. How to minimize. 
    4. Do one space after a comma. 
    5. Return.
    6. Maximize.
    7. Get pictures. 
    8. size pictures. 
    9. Add a caption.
    10. Get videos from Youtube. 
    11. Smart Login. 
    12. Preview my post.
    13. I learnt what my class username is. 
    14. How to create a blog post. 
    15. Copy and paste things. 
    16. Put pictures side by side. 
    17. Update my post. 
    18. Change font. 
    19. Change colour. 
    20. Change size. 
    21. Number lists. 
    22. Use HTML. 
    23. Make words go to the middle. 
    24. New Window.
    25. Make slideshows on PhotoPeach. 
    26. Use shift. 
    27. Make quotation marks E.T.C

    Mr Bailey teaching us the secrets of the world

    Duans book review. METEORITE STRIKE

    I chose this book because it really grabbed my eyes with the dart gun on the front page of the book.  I really like this book because it goes on for ever! It took me 2 and a half weeks to finish! 


    Main characters:robert,sarah,lee,          ,

    plot:It all starts in a airoplane on its way to australia when a meteorite hit a few hours ago 
    best book I have ever read!

    Tuesday, July 17, 2012


    Hi I'm from Ruatoki and I have 1 brother and 3 sisters. My favourite colour is purple. My hobbies is hunting. playing netball and kickboxing. My favourite food is Mc Donald's and Tacos. My favourite animals are horses.