Tuesday, October 30, 2012



Post authors Ria and Emma

The colours of the rainbow.
The name.

On the 29th of October Parklands gathered our chairs in front of the Multipurpose room.

 It was an absolutely amazing success. Whaea Tania started singing a Karanga to welcome the visitors for example, the Mayor Mr Kempthorne, Whaea Gladys, and the Board of Trustees.  Whaea Gladys is the Maori minister, and blessed the building.  Whaea Gladys led everyone into the beautiful building while she also sprinkled water.  Then Whaea Tania stood up and announced the name, Aniwaniwa.  Don't you think it's the most beautiful name?  Aniwaniwa means rainbow. Whaea Tania had a story to share with us about the colours of the rainbow.  Here is the story:

The colours of the rainbow were fighting about who was the most important colour.

Red was saying that he must be the most important because he was the colour of blood, and without blood there would be no life.

As you know Orange is the second colour of the rainbow, and it was his turn to argue.  "Well I think I must be the most important colour because I'm the colour of the sun, and the sun rise and sun set, and without the sun there would be no warmth on Earth."

While Orange and Red were fighting Yellow spoke up and said: "Well, actually I think I'm the most important colour because I'm the colour of flowers, like daffodils and daisies and buttercups.  Of course all of you know that I'm the colour of  spring and you know that you have to have flowers in spring, therefore I must be the most important colour."

Green had been thinking about what he would say to argue, but finally he thought of a very good reason, "Look here all of you," he said " I must definitely just must be the most important colour, because I'm the colour of grass and trees, and without trees there would no oxygen and without oxygen nothing can live.  So that's that, I must be the most important. You all know that that's the truth".

While Red, Orange, and green were squabbling Blue shouted at the top of his voice, " Oy! Why are we squabbling? All we need to do is tell the truth, and just say that I'm the most important colour, because I'm  the colour of the sky and without the sky there would be no air, and without air there would be no oxygen, and without oxygen there will be no life! So surely I'm the most important colour.

Indigo wanted to prove he was the most important colour, so he decided to say: "Oh my gosh!, are you still trying to prove your the best? Well, when I'm finished you all will know I'm the most important colour."  Indigo started to talk about why he's the most important colour. "Well, I'm the colour of peace and passion, so you all must agree I'm the the most important colour."

Violet turned around to face the colours and shook his head sadly and said "All of you you are so silly. Can't you see that without even one colour, our world would be desert,  as there would be no water, life, passion, oxygen, sunset, blood, and grass!  You are all as special as each other.  You need to stop fighting about this silly stuff."  The colours finally agreed with Violet, and shined in the sky.

One of the main reasons for choosing the Rainbow was because our school has lots of people that come from different countries,  and all of these special people work together, just like the colours of the Rainbow.

At the end,  we all got a lolly from the pot of gold.

 We will be using Aniwaniwa as a hall, and also a mulipurpose room.

By Ria and Emma