Tuesday, November 27, 2012




  1. How to sign in 
  2. How to get to the list of posts
  3. How to get to my post
  4. How to make words bigger
  5. How to make words go to center
  6. To put two gaps after full stops
  7. To put one gap after commas
  8. To sign into the interface
  9. How to use the blogger interface
  10. How to put links in
  11. How to make slideshows
  12. How to put slideshows into my post
  13. How to put youtube clips in
  14. How to put photos in
  15. How to put photos side by side
  16. How to use the Parklands school blog
  17. How to underline words
  18. How to make words into italic
  19. How to make words bold
  20. How to sign out
  21. How to open server
  22. How to use server
  23. How to get another page (file new window)
  24. How to copy 
  25. How to paste
  26. How to publish post (update)
  27. How to save post
  28. How to preview post
  29. How to undo
  30. Put labels in
  31. How to check your words (ABC)
  32. How to highlight your words
  33. How to change words into different colours
  34. How to use the numbered list
  35. How to close your post
  36. How to strikethrough
  37. How to change the back round colour.
  38. How to put it into HTML
  39. How to compose it from HTML
  40. How to change the font size

Monday, November 26, 2012


I am hugely inspired by magnificent kids' voices. This 12 year-old Brazilian boy is taking the world by storm. His name is Jotta A

Here's another set of boys- this time French.  Same song, so different.

NOW WHAT ABOUT THE SLEEPYMAN BANJO BOYS. Here is their version of 'Jingle Bells'

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I am Campbell. I am 10 years old. My favourite thing to do is geography. My favourite sport is cricket. My favourite subject is maths.   My favourite colour is green.  My goal for this year is to improve my behaviour.

TURANGAWAEWAE FESTIVAL                                              
Quin and his ukulele
Rock climbing

We are lucky to be a multicultural school so we are lucky because we get to have our Turangawaewae Festival. I didn't go to the Turangawaewae but I know what happened. There were lots of people helping doing food stalls. It was a very busy day before the festival started with heaps of people out putting up gazebos. Some of the people in my class were wearing traditional costumes from their

Room 4 have been following a group of scientists who are going on a boat to Antarctica. We have sent a teddy down with them named Pakarana who is a kiwi named after our school. It's been organised by a man called Gareth Morgan.

On the plane to Antarctica

We have book week to inspire people to read and to research in a fun way. During the week we have teachers (and sometimes parents) from other classes come and read to us.

Book Week Parade Day by Campbell and Jason on PhotoPeach

David Gawith and about 50 other scientists and journalists went down through the subantarctic islands to   Antarctica. They met a lot of animals on the islands. My favourite animal was the elephant seal. The elephant seal got their name because they are so big and heavy.
It was cool how the boat smashed through the ice as it neared Antarctica. They said Antarctica was real cold. Then they all went up to Nepal. They climbed a mountain about 4,800 meters high. Then they returned to New Zealand. David came back to give us our mascot Pakarana and he told us about his trip.
On the 22nd of May rooms 3 and 4 went to Lake Rotoiti just past Saint Arnaud. We went on a bus. George and Jaskaran vomited on the way there. The lake was huge. We met a lady named Peta. She was showing us around. I was Logan's buddy. Me, Logan, Jason, Eddie, Jackson and George went on the Honeydew walk with Mr B. We had to answer questions from a quiz. Then Peta showed us some of the traps they use for catching the wildlife. She told us that controlled meant kill. Then we had some lunch on one of the jetty's. Then we went over to the other jetty and saw some eels. Then we went to watch a video about the eels. Then we went back on the bus home.
Lunch on the jetty
Beautiful lake.
The group
Learning in the bush


This story starts in the Admiral Benbow , an inn.  Jim Hawkins (played by Quin) works there.  Billy (played by Shanti  ) comes to stay.  He has a treasure map  .  He was once a pirate , a member of Captain  Flinty's crew.  He is visited by Black  Dog ( played by Stevie )who fights him.  Then the evil Blind Pew  (played by Sacha) comes and scares him to death.
Jim gets the map . He gets the Goodies, Dr Livesey  (played by Charlie ) Squire Trelawney (played by Sarah ),  Mr Dance (played by Shannen ) and they hire a ship called the Hispaniola.  The captain is Captain  Smollett(played by Makayla ) who gets Long John Silver  (played by Madison ) to collect a crew.  Long John is evil and one of Captain Flinty's pirates.  He collects all the other pirates and away they sail.
On the trip Jim  hears of a plot to kill the goodies. When they get to the island the Goodies go to the stockade. The baddies go in search of the treasure.  An old pirate called Ben Gunn (played by Zion ) who has been marooned , arrives and joins the goodies .
Jim takes off and sails the ship around the island .  The pirates have nowhere to go.  There's a big fight .  The pirates are winning until they hear Ben Gunn  who they think is a ghost of Captain Flinty.  Ben Gunn screams horribly..
They all run away and the goodies find the treasure and sail back to England.
My favourite part was meeting Ben Gunn
Our awesome narrator
Ben Gunn the castaway
My favourite character was Blind Pew                     
My part in the show was singer in the choir
On Friday 27th of July we had our cross country. Each age group was doing a different track. My age group goes up Pah Street, round Atkins Street, down Poole Street, through Memorial Park and through the Talbot Street gate. I was competing against most of my friends. Miss Sefton called us up. Ready Set GO!!! We all sprinted off round the back field and out the Talbot Street gate. So far so good. Up Pah Street we went, all of us sprinting. When we got to Atkins Street we all slowed down. We all had sprinted the whole way and were all so puffed. We jogged all the way down Poole Street till we got to Memorial Park.Thats when the real race begun. Everyone was sprinting. We all crossed the road about the same time. It was a mad dash for the finish line. We ran in the gate and everyone started cheering. We all ran across the field and into our slots. I came 7th. I went round to the court to see how my friends went. Harsh came 4th, Logan came 2nd, Jackson came 1st, Alex came 1st in Year 6 and Fergus came 3rd. Everyone was happy with their result.
The Olympics are held every four years. Competitors from all over the world come together to compete in a mass of sports. Each competitor competes for a gold medal. Both women and men compete. 
The 2012 Olympics were held in London, England. The original Olympics were held in Athens,Greece. Heaps of different cultures compete at the Olympic games. 
The main medal winning country's this year were China, America and Great Britain. New Zealand got 6 gold medals. 
Valerie Adams won because Belarussian apponent Nadzeya Ostupchuk who originally won failed a after-match drug test twice and got disqualified.
Other gold medal winners for NZ include Mahe Drysdale, Lisa Carrington, Joseph Sullivan and Nathan Cohen, and some others. 
Motueka equestrian Jonelle Richards and the rest of the equestrian team got a bronze.
Here's another video

The choir
We are competing in a choir competition. It's called Rock Da House. 
Heaps of schools from the Nelson/Tasman area are competing. We are singing heaps of different and famous songs .
 Our choir teacher is Mrs Kenny. The competition is being held at Memorial hall. There is guest stars like New Zealand band The Pheasants.
 Jason and Makayla from our class are soloists. Jason is singing Falling Slowly and Makayla is singing We Are The World. 
We are performing on Thursday 30 August. My favourite song is Hey Soul Sister. There were heaps of parents at the concert. My mum came.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
On the 4th -11th of September it was Oral Health Week. Our class got to do projects on healthy mouths and foods. I did the food pyramid. I compared todays pyramid to the older pyramid. The healthy foods on the older pyramid were Vegetables, Fruit, Bread and Cereal. The healthy foods on todays pyramid are Fruit, Vegetables, Plant oils and Whole grain foods.
good teeth
bad teeth


On Friday 14th September we had the Winter Sports Tournaments. There were four sports to choose from. They were Soccer, Netball, Rugby and Hockey. I played Soccer.

Four of my best friends were in my team. They were Harsh, Logan, Alex and Blake. Our team was coached by Tony ( Blake's Dad) and he is awesome because he gave us lollies. Our team was Parklands 3.

I played Midfielder, Striker and Goalie. Our team had 6 wins 3 losses and 1 draw. Our draw was against Parklands 1.

Upper Moutere were probably our toughest opponent. They beat us 5-3.

I scored 1 super amazing brilliant extraordinary goal in the tournament. It was against Mapua.

We won the playoff for 6th place. There were 20 teams in the tournament. Parklands 1 won the tournament and Parklands 2 came 2nd. Parklands was the best school at Soccer because all our teams were in the top 8. The winter tournament was awesome.
Go parklands


On Thursday 8th of November we are going to be performing in the kapahaka festival at memorial hall.
Our mentor is Whaea Brooke. She has been teaching us waiata the past few weeks. We are getting better each session. Our leaders are Alana ( Pa Mai), Shannen (E Rona) and Jack D, Jackson and Liam (Poutini).


On Thursday 8th of November we performed in the Kapahaka festival. It was awesome. We performed
after Parklands Senior Juniors. We waited in the changing room while they performed. We watched them on the TV. They were pretty good. Our goal was to be better than them. They finished. The audience went crazy. We were all nervous. We walked out onto the stage. The girls were in front of us.  We started singing.We were awesome. The audience screamed. Then it was haka time. 'Kia Rite Kia Rite Taringa Whakarona Mi Kia Mo. Yes! The haka was awesome. The audience loved our performance. We went of stage very happy about our performance. Later on in the day we came back to see the whanau classes perform. They were awesome. Especially the haka. The Kapahaka was awesome. Hopefully i get to do it again next year.


On Monday 29th of October people from all around the region gathered at our school to celebrate the opening of our new school hall named Aniwaniwa. Even the mayor Mr Kempthorne was there. There were lots of kindergarten kids there.

Whaea Tania was hosting the event. First she told us a story of some colours and their importance. She then got kindergarten kids wearing those colors to come up and stand with her. Then she presented a flag to Mr Major to hang in the hall. The flag had all of the colors from her story on it.

Then we all got to do a lap of the hall to see how it looked inside. The walls were green and blue. There was a kitchen in the hall replacing Mrs Milne's office. There was also a mysterious object on the wall but we will get to that later.

Then we all went back outside and sat down.  Marion Edwin,  chairperson of Board Of Trustees came up and made a speech about the new hall. She also told us about the museum just outside our school which  used to be the school hall. Then she made all the thank yous to the builders and everyone who helped to make the hall possible.

Then Whaea Sue came up and showed us the mysterious object which was the Tukutuku Panel. It was awesome. It was mainly made by Selina and Hinekura but others helped as well.

When the ceremony was over we got to go get a biscuit and a chocolate.

Later on in the afternoon we went down to the new hall to practise our kapahaka. The new hall is cool.

Aniwaniwa (the rainbow)


This year we have learnt how to:

1. How to sign in
2. How to sign out
3. Keyboard shortcuts
4. How to put links in
5. How to find blogger on the bookmarks bar
6. How to put in a title
7. How to caption photos                                            
8. How to find photos
9. File new window
10. How to make a slideshow
11. How to enter videos          
12. How to get on safari
13. How to find my post
14. How to publish my post
15. How to view blog
16. How to view other peoples blogs
17. Leave 2 spaces after fullstop
18. Leave 1 space after comma