Tuesday, August 28, 2012



My name is Monique.   I am an animal lover\nature lover.   I eating fish.   I have most of the personalties of a cat like eating fish! I have a nana,  grandfather and a mom ,10 cats, round about 50 birds, 3 fish, 2 dogs and 3 rabbits.   My favorite animal is cats.  I love doing gymnastics and stretching my back into a backwards bridge.  I also love the color ORANGE!!!! At my house I have the most annoying bird but nanas 49 are ok.  Everyone calls me mini and since I put something about cats in my book at my old school the teachers called me Kitty.   I love reading.   I love kicking a ball around the trampoline with my friends.  I love writing stories about cats and Egypt.   I am interested about learning about penguins and the Antarctic.  I  like going to school.   I love to attend in most things.  I like to play on my trampoline.   I Love to sing.  My mum is the best hair dresser but she just works in the roses and gets the usual scratches and prickles every day.  My nana is a bus driver.  And of course my grandfather sits at his home watching TV  eating  lollies and sleeping.  Sometimes when I play with my black cat sweep he jumps up and looks like he is doing the cha cha in the air.   Rat bag Persil loves to get in the top of the wardrobe (it really looks like world war 3 just happened in there hence the name wardrobe lol) ;)

                                                            ROCK DA HOUSE
On the 30th of august mot south riwaka and the best school in the world PARKLANDS peformend in the rock da house choir. Jason was a soloist with Heather in Falling  Slowly and Makayla was a  soloist in We Are The World. One of my favorite songs were Bad Hair Day because we had to wear wigs and it would have  looked like I was wearing a mop. In Austrian Yodel the parents had to do the actions and they were all pethetic at it. It was to freezing at the memorial hall.  I really want to replay the whole peformance all over again.

Oral Health Week

A few weeks ago I learnt that you achuly have to brush 3 times a day. You need to eat more vegetables than fruit because fruit contains alot of sugar. In the olden days they had to use tobacco and honey mixed together YUCK!!!!! I also learnt the layers of a tooth and here they are: Pulp, Dentine and enamel. Now we all know at least one new thing about teeth.



                                          MY HOBBIES 

My hobbies are: Making brooches, Writing made up stories, Playing on my rip-stick and exploring nature. These are all activities I do in my spare time. One of my best finds in nature is a four leaved clover. When I am making brooches my cats somet1imes tread in the pile of ribbon. When I am writing stories I at least include 1 thing that I have seen in nature. And finally when I am playing on my rip-stick my cat Sooty sometimes barges in front of me.

                                                                          OUR CARS

On the 19th of October 2012 we raced our cars. There were many different kinds of cars. My car was a Rat Trap car and if it didn't work it could have been the starting gun. My car was up against a mouse trap car and of course mine won. On the second race my car didn't get set properlly so it just went BANG.
The final result was that Fergus's was the fastest.


It was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Firstly, we all listened to Whaea Tina talk about the all new Multi-purpose room called Aniwaniwa. Whaea Tina talked about why it was called Aniwaniwa and the legend of the colours fighting and then joining hands and forming a rainbow. Then we all walked into the
Multi-purpose room and looked around.  At the very end they showed us a tukutuku pattern and gave us  each a shortbread cookie and a chocolate.It was so awesome and I loved hearing about how the

Multi-purpose room got its name


The Kapa Haka festival is nearly here. Rooms 3 and 4 have been practicing for weeks now ready for the performance. We have been learning three songs, Pa Mai, E Rona, and a haka Poutini.


The day was finally here. It was so scary being in the front row but luckily we had the opening and the little kids first. With the opening the host school (Pakarana) sat in  front of the whole audience to welcome the Kapa Haka Festival. When the little kids were on we all didn't see much of them because we all had to cram into this tiny space. When rooms 3 and 4 was on we peformed pa mai and e rona and of corse poutini. I thought all the other schools were cool but overall Pakarana is the best.

This is the last post from this year and this is what I have learned to :
  1. How to sign in.
  2. How to put in a link
  3. How to put in a video clip from youtube
  4. How to put in a numbered list
  5. How to open Safari
  6. How to sign out
  7. How to open a new window
  8. Finding the menu bar
  9. Finding the bookmarks bar
  10. How to get pictures 
  11. How to get pictures off Safari
  12. How to put pictures side by side
  13. How to caption pictures
  14. Putting 1 space after a comma
  15. Putting 2 spaces after a full stop
  16. I can find my post
  17. How to put in a title
  18. How to copy and paste
  19. I can go onto the school blog
  20. How to make a slideshow
  21. I can publish my post
  22. I can update my post
  23. How to use italics
  24. How to use bold
  25. How to use colors

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