Saturday, April 14, 2012

My Trip to India by Amandeep.

Busy street, NewDelhi
India map

I missed the class trip to Nelson because my Mum and I went to India to visit my relatives. We flew from Nelson to Auckland. We had to get up really early. We had to wait at Auckland airport for a while before we caught a plane to Hong Kong. We arrived in Hong Kong and were there for a night in the airport. Then we  went to New Delhi where a relative picked us up and drove us by car to my uncle's house. We stayed at my nanas house one night and in the monning I went to see my nana's dog Jony.   It scratched me but it was going to bite me as soon as I ran away from it.  I had a ride on my nana's horse and my nana was near me in case I fell off.  The colour  of the horse  was white. We visited lots of relatives.  When we came home (it happened  on Thursday, March 8th) and saw my mum's cousin who got his phone stuck in the brakes and when he went to get it the car crashed. He had to kick the door of the car and he got glass in his head. When he told us, he said that it was just a little crash but he showed us the car and its  top  was broken.
They showed me my foot prints from when I was little.   They were by the out side door.   I saw heaps there. They have chickens,  five of them and they have birds on the roof.    I went to my uncle's house where I saw my three cousins then I went to their farm.   They had some cows and a white bull. I saw my friends. Their house is in front of the farm. I remembered that they don't have any chickens this time.   I had been to their place before when they had them but they sold them to get money.
Then I played with my cousins.   I had to think what we should play.   Golden Temple!!   It was fun there.  I saw golden fish and my mum told me that if you see the fish that has something on his nose that means that the god fish.   Then we saw one so we fed them heaps of food because they were hungry.  At the end there was no food left so went to get food from the shop.
 One day we went  shopping and I got heaps of clothes and dresses.   They were so pretty and my mum was telling me to get new shoes so I got one pair but they broke.  When we got back we were going to get something to drink so I  went to look in the cupboard but there were no drinks so I went to the shop.  The next day we went to some relatives,  to my mum's aunty. I really enjoyed my holiday to India.

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