Saturday, March 24, 2012


Queens gardens


On Thursday the 9th of March last week room 4 and room 3 went on a trip to Nelson to go see the Nelson provincial museum and Bishops school.   First room 4 [my class] went to Bishops school.  The lady pretended to be a boy called Mr Green and was very strict.   When we went in we had to be quiet and we had to dress up in old fashioned clothes.   In the building it was all brown and the windows were up high and it smelt funny.   At Bishops school I learnt that the teachers were very strict and there was no fun allowed and it was very dark.

After we went to Bishops school [I saw the light again] we walked to the church steps and had morning tea.  The people who needed to go to the toilet went toilet in the Cathedral.
After morning tea Room 4 walked to the Nelson provincial museum.   When we got there we put our bags under some stairs and got put into groups then went off.   In the museum there was a cave with holes and above the holes it said cave creatures.   Some people put their hand in and felt it.   They said it felt weird but I was not going to because I was a wuss.   Anyway after that we got a piece of paper and had to walk around the museum answering stuff.
After the museum we walked to the Queens gardens for lunch.   While we were eating the ducks decided to pay a little visit so Mr B shooed them off into the pond then the frogs and eels came to visit.
After lunch we walked to the Riverside pools got dressed and jumped in.   There was a rope swing and heaps of people were going on it but I didn't because once again I was a wuss.   Then we got dressed again went to the bus and went back to school.
By Amber 

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