Friday, March 9, 2012


My name is Logan. I am nine years old and I live in Motueka. I live with my mum and dad and little brother.  My granddad lives in Motueka too but my mum's parents live in Poland. I am very good at sports and my favourite sport is soccer. I play soccer for Motueka, and I play left  striker. I also like reading, swimming and running.

March 2nd

Quinn playing the ukulele
Makayla enjoying the day

Tiana holding flowers 
The turungawaewae festival is for people  who are from different kind of countries and to celebrate their culture.  They had a bouncy castle and rock climbing and lots of nice cakes.  My favourite thing there was the rock climbing.

We have book week because it inspires people to read more at home. During the week we had drop everything and read and on Friday we had to dress up as something. The parade day before we had morning tea we walked through the town.

Ryan and Logan's slide show on PhotoPeach

On the 22nd of May 2012 rooms four and three went to LAKE ROTOITI for our school trip.  We went on a bus to Lake Rotoiti at 9;15 the bus came to pick us up and we got on the bus to Lake Rotoiti. The bus trip was going to take two hours.   I sat by Harsh.  When we were going past the Motueka airport we saw a handbag which was black and very small.   After one hour we were at Tapawera we stopped at Tapawera because a boy spewed up so the bus driver had to clean it up.   When he spewed up I felt sick because I was looking at it but I know that I was not going to spew up because my brother spews up lots and that makes me feel sick but I never spew up any more.   
Finally we are going again on the bus. The bus smelt really bad after the bus driver cleaned it up but at least I couldn't see it any more.   Finally after two hours we are at Lake Rotoiti Lake was so big.   I didn't think it would be that big it looked really tiny on the pictures.  There was a person called Peta who gave us some activities to do.   There were some boards that we had to find information of what was on the board and we had to answer 10 questions on a sheet.
It was a great day at Lake Rotoiti
Question board
The bus
My favourite animal
The scientist came to talk to us about Antarctica. 
My favourite animal is a king penguin because they are very friendly and I like the orange colour on the beak and their tummy is white and black I like the mixture of white and black on the penguin. 
penguins measuring height
This story starts in the Admiral Benbow, an inn.  Jim  Hawkins (played by Quinn) works there.  Billy Bones (played by Shanti) comes to stay.  He has a map.  He was once a pirate, a member of Captain  Flints crew.  He is visited by Black Dog (played by Stevie)who fights him.  Then the evil Blind Pew (played by Sasha) comes and scares him to death.
Jim gets the map.  He gets the Goodies, Dr Livesey (played by Charlie) Squire Trelawney (played by Sarah), Mr Dance (played by Shannen) and they hire a ship called the Hispaniola.  The captain is Captain  Smollett(played by Makayla ) who gets Long John Silver  (played by Madison) to collect a crew.  Long John is evil and one of Captain Flint's pirates.  He collects all the other pirates and away they sail.
On the trip Jim hears of a plot to kill all the goodies.  When they get to the island the Goodies go to the stockade. The baddies go in search of the treasure.  An old pirate called Ben Gunn (played by Zion ) who has been marooned, arrives and joins the Goodies.
Jim takes off and sails the ship around the island.  The pirates have nowhere to go.  There's a big fight.  The pirates are winninguntil they hear Ben Gunn who they think is a ghost of Captain Flint.  Ben Gunn screams horribly.
They all run away and the goodies find the treasure and sail back to England.
My favourite part was when Billy Bones and Black Bog had a fight because Billy Bones dies.
My favourite character was Billy Bones  because he liked rum.
seniors at treasure island
juniors at treasure island
My part in the show was singing.
  1. The olympics in 2012 is in London
  2. Lots of countries from all around the world
  3. New Zealand got 6 gold 2 silver and 5 bronze medals all up
  4. I watched the mens single sculls when mahe Drysdale won gold for New Zealand
  5. My favourite person is Mahe Drysdale because he got gold in the single sculls at theLondon Olympics 
Quin playing the ukelele 
The peasants
our wigs for the song bad hair day
We are doing something called ROCK DA HOUSE.  We have to sing lots of songs.   My favorite song is Were gonna have a party because there are lots of actions and I like all of the actions.  Our school has three soloists whose names are Jason Makayla and Quin.  Jason is singing Falling slowly.  Quin is singing Hey soul sister.  Makayla is singing We are the world.  We have two organizers and two conductors whose names are John and Paulette.  We have been to Riwaka to practice singing and we have been to Mot- South.   We are performing at the Memorial hall in Motueka on Thursday 30 August 2012.  Riwaka and Mot South are performing with Parkland's too.  The show has finished.  Now I think that it went very well but we did muck up the song in something in the Water.  The soloists performed well but Jason sang the song when he wasn't meant to sing.  I enjoyed the starting part when we walked out and sat down.
I liked it because there was scary music.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
Last week was oral health week.  Which is all about keeping your teeth clean.  I learnt that you are meant to brush your teeth three times a day.  And I learnt you are meant to brush for three minutes.  In my class I was learning about false teeth.  In wars in the olden days they went around and got the teeth out of the dead soldiers and kept them for false teeth
Good teeth
Bad teeth

The story that I chose is 'Dinosaur Rescue' by Kyle Mewburn, illustrated by Donovan Bixley.
I chose this book because it is a fiction book and because I liked the cover of the dinosaur and the two cavemen. It is about two jungle men who find a dinosaur and now they have to get away from it.  I would recommend this book to people who like dinosaurs and funny things.  The main character is the angry mum, this character is what the story is about.  My ratings for this book is four stars out of five stars.


We had five weeks to finish our cars because some people were really slow.   There are lots of kinds of cars to make.  Most of the people chose battery powered.  In the battery powered Fergus had the best and his won by a mile.  I made my car out of an egg container an ice cream stick and some wheels.  I glued the wheels onto the stick.  That is my car.  On Friday the 19 of October was when the race was.  My car is a pull back car.  In my category I came first because I was the only one in my category.

Our new multi purpose room

On Monday the 29th of October the opening ceremony for the new multi purpose room was held.  Most of it is for our Parklands dollar prizes.  In the morning we had to take our chairs outside and take them to the new room.  Once we got there we sat on our chairs and waited and after we had waited Whaea Tania came out and did lots of talking.  The name of the multi purpose room is ANIWANIWA which means Rainbow.  They called it Rainbow because the different countries.  Once they told us the name Whaea Gladys did the blessing and we followed on.  At the end of the ceremony we saw a big pot of gold.  Inside there was no gold but there was chocolate.

                                                                                 THE END


In term three rooms three and four started practicing for for the kapa haka festival.  We had to practice three songs.  The first one is PAMAI the second one is ERONA and the last one is POTINI which is a haka.  Wheae brook is our KAPA HAKA teacher.  The schools that are doing it are Lower Moutere Motueka South Riwaka ST Peter Chanel Brooklyn Ngatimoti Sailsbury Mapua  and Pakarana.

This is room four doing the haka.

Room four and three.

On Thursday the 8th of October The kapa haka festival started.  Rooms six and five were the First classes to perform and after there performance rooms four and room three are doing there performance.  
I think our performance was really good.  The best performance was our whanau.

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