Saturday, March 24, 2012


My name is Blake.   I am 9 years old.  My goals are to get better at writing and reading.


Quin singing.
Climbing wall
Why we have a turangawaewae festival ? We have a Turangawaewae festival because it celebrates multi cultural people from all over the world.They show us some dancing clothes they have.  There were two bouncy castles,  shows,  food and lollies  stands. My favourite thing was the shows and dances.

                                                                    BOOK WEEK
We have book week because it inspires people to read books  and learn.
During the week we did something called DEAR which means "drop everything and read" We did it every day.
On parade day every one dressed up and we walked around town,  Laura Ingram kindy and back to school.
Slide show By Bailey & Blake.

                                                                                                          ROOM 3 & 4'S TRIP TO LAKE  ROTOITI.
On the 22 of May Mr B did the roll and we lined up we walked to the bus and the bus driver zoomed to lake Rotoiti. when we got there we went into the bush and saw Peta , who talked to us about the wild life and trees . When we got back from the bush we had lunch on the jetty and watched  a movie on eels.  The home journey was uneventful.
Our bus
All the party on the jetty
The lake
 A man called David Gawith came in to talk to us about the trip to the sub Antarctica . He went with 50 other people and 50 scientists . David saw a lot of animals ,when David got there he touched a penguin he said it was friendly .   On the way back they went to Campbell Island and toke some photos of him and Pakarana . David said it was an interesting trip and he learned a lot of information
Penguins on the ice
Penguin asleep
Snow tractor
                                                                TREASURE ISLAND  
                                                    This story starts in the Admiral Benbow, an inn. Jim Hawkins (played by Quin) works there. Billy Bones (played by Shanti  ) comes to stay. He has a map. He was once a pirate , a member of Captain  flint crew. He is visited by Black  Dog (played by Stevie  )who fights him. Then the evil  Blind pew  (Played by Sasha) comes and scares him to death.
Jim gets the map. He gets the goodies, Dr Livesey  ( played by Charlie ) Squire Trelawney (played by Sarah ), Mr Dance (played by Shannen ) and they hire a ship called the Hispaniola. The Captain is Captain  Smollett (played by Makayla ) who gets Long John Silver  (played by Madison ) to collect a crew. Long John is evil and one of Captain Flints pirates. He collects all the other pirates and away they sail. On the trip Jim  hears of a plot to kill all the goodies. When they get to the island the Goodies go to the stockade. The baddies go in search  of  the  treasure.  An old pirate called Ben Gunn ( played by Zion ) who has been marooned , arrives and joins the goodies .
Billy Bones
Jim takes off and sails the sails around the island . The pirates have nowhere to go. There's a big battle. The pirates are winning until they hear Ben Gunn  who they think is the ghost of Captain Flint. Ben Gunn  screams horribly. They all run away and the goodies find the treasure and sail back to England. My favourite part was when Billy Bones does his rap (why Because I like raps) My favourite character was Billy Bones,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
THE STREET RACE                                                                                                                                    
 On Friday the 27 we had the street race when they called year 4-5s up then Miss Soften told us where to go and 1 2 3  go!  We were off 1st 2nd 3rd.   I was in the middle of the bunch running Talbot street then Pah street.   I got stitch on Pah st but it went  away.   After a while we reached                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
The Olympics were held in London England.   The first sport was football.   My family saw the girls play footy and we pretty much watched all the soccer games and other things like gymnastics and hockey.   Some things we only saw the highlights but that's OK.   The United States won with 104 medals.   NZ got 6 gold 2 silver and 5 bronze medals  and  we got 15th here's a picture of the stadium.                                                                                                                                                                                             View the medal table                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
In rock DA house we have to sing 14 songs.   We probably learnt 75% of the songs out of 100 so that's pretty good I think. Some people chose to audition like me but I did not make it in.   I think I did well but not well enough. We went to Riwaka and Mot south for a practice.   We were the loudest   The people who made the audition were Jason and Makayla.   Jason's song is Falling Slowly and Makayla is singing We are the World.  Our songs are black Horse in the cherry tree , California dreaming , Count on me , eye of the tiger , if you wanna sing out, ma Te mahi ka Ora , we will rock you , we are the world , one day , something in the water , bad hair day, we're gonna have a party and hey sole sister .Hey sole sister On the night... The curtains opened my legs where shaking.   I was scared.   We started singing.   Boom boom Ch boom boom Ch.   The band was great   I was singing at my loudest .   We went through the songs so fast.  I think it went well and the audience thought so too as they went crazy. Our soloists did very well and sounded great. The part I enjoyed most was the start which was awesome.
What new things I learned about teeth and what activities we did. I learned that teeth have a very soft spot in the middle and that decay is very bad and you do not want it .   Some activities we did. For a start we had a shared lunch with chicken, cheese, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, yogurt, sandwich and apples. At the end of the day Mr b handed out some tooth brushes and tooth paste.   It was lots of fun making posters and sheets.   I loved it.   Just look at this!! Which one do you like?
this one or
this one


On the 14th of September we had winter tournament  I played soccer with at least 25 other people from Parklands. We played a 9 games including the finals. We played Tasman, Upper Moutere,  Lower Moutere, St Peter, Us, Riwaka, Mot South, and us again. There were 3 teams from  Parklands.  2 were in our pool and the other was in the red pool. We won 5, games lost 3 and drew 1.  I think we played well.  We drew with the team that won the whole thing.  The first and second teams were both from Parklands so I said,'' I wonder who will win it? I know.  Parklands!'' Everyone laughed.  It sucked that we only had 12 minutes for one game :(. In our team we had Makayla, Logan, Harsh, Alex, Jaskaran, Bailey, Campbell and Zac.  I normally played mid field but I did play defense and goalie.  Logan, Alex and Harsh played attack or mid field, Campbell played goalie or mid field. Once we had finished  there was a bus but it was not our bus. About 5 minutes later a bus arrived and it was our bus.  Yyyyaaaaaahhhhhhh!!! and we went back to school.

OUR CARS            

 On the 19th of October we had our car race we had already made our cars well most of us had. My dad and and I had made a model of the car at home but I had to make my car at school . It took about 15 minutes to make it.
1~get some card board and scissors.
2~cut out the shape of an arrow.
3~get some straw,  strong wire,  milk bottle lids,   balloon and a big straw.
4~cut the straw and the wire and put the wire inside the straw and sellotape the straw to the car.
5~sellotape the balloon to the big straw and then sellotape it to the car.
6~you can paint it if you want.
the winner.
Now you're done. My car came 2nd.We had all different cars;  fire works,  balloon,  mouse trap,  rubber band,  push and motor. It was awesome.    


On the 29th of October they opened the big building that used to be room 11 &10.  We were told to take our shoes off and take our chairs too.  By the way the building's name is Aniwaniwa a rainbow which was chosen because we are a rainbow school with many nationalities:).  There was a lot of talking.  Whaea Tania told a story about the colours of the rainbow.
Lots of inportant people were there like the Maori minister, Whaea Sue, Mr Major, the mayor and the board of trustees.  We got to walk through the building.  It looked very good.  Rev Gladys put water sprinkles on the floor.  Whaea Tania said lots of thank yous and then we got some chocolate, then we got to go back to class and have a dumb short morning tea.

Kapa Haka Festival 

On the 8th of November we are having a Kapa Haka festival.  We are going to sing poutini [a haka],  pamai and E rona our 3 songs. Our leaders for the haka and the other songs are Jack,  Liam,  Jackson, Shannen and Alana. We practise about 2 times a week and 1 hour. I am in row 3 on the left beside pou and jaskaran. Our teacher is whaea Brooke. She helped us a lot and we could not do it with out her.


On the 8th of November we had our kapa haka fun day with all different schools. We were the hosting school so we performed first. We did all our songs very well. I saw all the other schools like St Peter and Ngatimoti.   They did very well too.  But my favourite one was the whanau boy's haka which was great.   I wish we were as good as them!!!:)



1~going in and out of blogger.
2~file new  window.
3~get a photo or video.
4~use red and yellow.
5~return, shift and tab.
6~going into the new blog.
7~copy and paste.
9~move the photos and video.
10~change colour of writting.
11~make the words bigger and smaller.
12~how to edit using abc.
13~how to go to safari.
14~how to go out of safari.
15~how to put the photo in the rubbish.

1 comment:

Mr Bailey and Blake said...

Awesome cool post Blake. I agreed said Blake