Friday, March 16, 2012


I have three brothers and two parents  I'm the only girl in my family. I love open spaces. my favorite hobby is swimming. my favorite colour is yellow I would love to be back in this class again .


On book week at 10.15 am we had to drop everything and read.  Becky arranged book week for the whole school. We dId a parade down the street.  I wasn't here when it happened.   I was going to dress up as a Cook Islander. "Thank you, Becky for doing that" . I was a weekly winner and Chevaughn was too." 

On Thursday the 8th room 4&3 went to Nelson
                                                                             OUR TRIP
                                                                      What an exciting day I had on our trip Thursday 8 of March my class room 4 and room 3 went on a trip to Bishop school,Museum and then Swimming.  The 2 classes went by bus I was on the bus next to Brittney. There we played a lot of games laughed and talked the whole way too .
Inside Bishop School
There was a sign saying bishop school 1844. When we arrived we had to be quiet because of a funeral happening down the road. Where ms green was waiting. We headed in the class rooms and wow a lot of cool pictures were on the class rooms walls. Ms Green walked in to the class room before us. As we walked in she was standing holding a metal stick and a whip. Scary!! she had us wear olden day clothes with a hat. The seats were different to ours and the desks .I think the olden days were very mean. With the whip and making a noise when they stood up.In class we had to learn spelling,handwriting and then we done a poem Dad's pants it was so hard to read the poem. Which made it harder for me to understand.but I got through it in the end. After class
we all went to have morning tea. Across the road the class at bishop school. Once we finished our morning tea we then went to the museum.                                        MUSEUM
We were split into groups.  My first thing I went to in the museum was a big scary cave.The walls felt like stone with holes placed around.In each hole was some lizards and other things.There were a lot of cool things in the museum,crystals,old clothes,from the old days.  a lot of cool pictures of history,and I did like the animals. After the museum we went and had lunch at Queens Garden. We fed the ducks.  Then we went for a swim. Fun!!.There were cool changing rooms. Mr T was talking to us about safety in the pool.  It was 6.11meter I hopped in the pool it was warm.  I hopped on the swing it was scary so.  I gave it a try it didn't seem so bad but Mr T said to get out and get dressed quickly for the bus.  I sat by Emma and Alissa we played games and talked on our way back home.  A cool fun day it was for me and many others.                                                                                BY SHARNTAYE                                                                      

                                                 LAKE ROTOITI                       

Room 4 and 3 went to lake Rotoiti we went by bus two people puked in the bus. we went to this animal place it had diffrent native animals there are lots of deadly animals like a Stoat,Ferret,Weasel and cats and they eat tui,fantails and more we all had to go on a tore around the place. After that we had morning tea at the arrival when we came from the bus we sore ducks. Then we went back on the bus about half an hour after morning tea. We hoped back on the bus to this little museum with some creatures we got to watch a movie about eels after that we went to have launch it was an awsome trip                                                                                                                                                                                       BY SHARNTAYE
Ferret, stoat and weasel




David Gawith is a scientist who travels all around the world and he says he went to Antarctica and  studied science there.  It was a foot thick of ice or bigger and he enjoyed that and he went for a swim there .Scary!!!. But it would be cool to travel there once.  My favourite animal is the elephant nose seal which makes a funny noise. They fight with their teeth and their necks. David explained about them, their population and that if it gets too hot so they put sand on them to cool them down.  Only the males fight.  They have a nose like it goes flat and then a bump on it .Thats why I like it .
Elephant Seals fighting.    
                                                                                                                     TREASURE ISLAND
This story starts in the Admiral Benbow, an inn.  Jim  Hawkins (played by Quin) works there.  Billy Bones (played by Shanti ) comes to stay.  He has a map.  He was once a pirate, a member of Captain  Flint's crew.  He is visited by Black  Dog (played by Stevie  )who fights him.  Then the evil Blind Pew  (played by Sacha ) comes and scares him to death.
Jim gets the map.  He gets the Goodies, Dr Livesey  (played by Charley) Squire Trelawney (played by Sarah),  Mr Dance (played by Shannen) and they hire a ship called the Hispaniola.  The captain is Captain  Smollet (played by Makayla) who gets Long John  (played by Madison) to collect a crew.  Long John is evil and one of Captain Flint's pirates.  He collects all the other pirates and away they sail.
On the trip Jim  hears of a plot to get the treasure. When they get to the island the Goodies go to the ship . The baddies go in search of the treasure.  An old pirate called Ben Gunn (played by Zion ) who has been marooned, arrives and joins the goodies .
Jim takes off and sails the ship around the island.  The pirates have nowhere to go.  There's a big fight.  The pirates are winning
until they hear Ben Gunn who they think is a ghost of Captain Flint.  Ben Gunn screams horribly.
They all run away and the goodies find the treasure and sail back to England.
My favourite part was  when Billy Bones comes to the Admiral. 
My favourite character was Makayla T because I like the part when she comes in. 
My part in the show was singing in the choir.       
 The Olympics was in the 776 before Christ.   The flag colours was blue yellow black green and red.   The first modern Olympics was in 1896.  Valerie Adams got a gold medal because the other girl had drugs now we have 6 golds, 2 silvers, and 5 bronze. USA won.



Rock da house is a choir with groups of schools. Our helpers are John and Paulette .  We are all singing in 1- Black horse in a  cherry tree 2- Something in the water &3-Ma te mahi ka ora      4-The bad hair day 5-Hey soul sister 6-Count on me 7-If you wanna sing out  8-We are the world  9-Falling slowly 10-Eye of the tiger 11-One day  12-We will rock you 13-We're going to have a party Our soloists are Quin,Makayla and Jason. Our concert is on 30 of August.

cool moves people
go Makayla
nice singing
                                                           ROCK DA HOUSE PERFORMANCE On the 30th of August we performed at the hall.  My mum was at the show.   Lucia and I were doing some moves.   It was a cool night.   We funked and laughed and I enjoyed it. My favourite part was when we got dressed and the costume because they looked funky.  That was the best performance ever.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
I learned that in the olden days they used tabacco and honey for their toothpaste. I think its disgusting like this.You don't want your teeth like that you want it shiny like this . And I found out that we have to wash your teeth everyday some people don't. I tell you now don't forget to brush your teeth and eat something healthy no lollies or anything that's not healthy for your teeth so keep your teeth healthy. By Sharntaye


On the 14th on Friday it was winter tournament day.  We all had to get in our groups like netball  had to get in group 1,2,3,4.  It was fun when the day went.  I was so excited for this day.   I  said in my head "Please oh please don't rain".  When we arrived at the Rec centre we had to go in our groups.  It was sad though because we had to take our earrings out.  My ears weren't set yet so I still had to take them out.  The players were Macey, Ria, Alexa, Abbey, Emma, Sharntaye, Tagan, Liarna, Shannen.  Our manager was Anna, who said she would want me to play netball next year in her team.  I  can't wait until  next year for winter  tournament. I'm so excited to do it next year.  Thank you for the best day ever.  

This is what I made my car out of.   It is made out of eye hooks, string , mouse trap, big wheels, two straws, and two big sticks, and Ties.  We had the race on 19th on Friday.  It was an awsome race .  We will be having another race tomorrow.  It was fun.



Whaia te iti Kahurangi
On Monday 29th of October 2012 our class went to the Multi-purpose room Ceremony.  Makayla, Madison,  Montana,  Douglas,  Quin,  Jodeci,  Gabreah and I  had to stay because we weren't allowed to go.  We played cool games like maths matic,  Ipad,  dice games, drawing and making little birds' beaks.  It took 1 hour and 30 minutes long.  It was really fun when they were gone. Well that's the end.

On Wednesday 8th November 2012 we did our performance in the Memorial hall.  Our class was on before the other classes like the kindergarten.  we watched them do their performance.  After that room 5, and 6 did their performance we couldn't watch them because we were at the back of the hall.  We enjoyed the Whanau performance.  The big kids ones we hope we get to see them again.Our song we did was Pamai, E rona e , and our Haka was Poutini.

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