Sunday, March 18, 2012


My name is Fergus, 10 years old and my Mum's name is Claire and my Dad's name is Graeme.  I have two brothers called Connor and Dylan.  I have two cats and one dog.  My interests are shooting black birds and riding my motorbike.  My goal for this year is to do better in my maths.

All the flags.
Rock climbing.
I think that we have the Turangawaewae festival to bring people from all over the world and to make money for the school.  I liked the rock climbing.  I had lots of ice cream.  I enjoyed it so much I can't wait till next year.

We have book week to get people interested in books.  During book week people came in to our class to read to us.  We also walked up town on Friday and went into the kindergarten.

Book week Parade Day by Caleb and Fergus on PhotoPeach

On Tuesday the 29th some of the years 5 and 6 went down to rugby park to play some rippa.  We had two social teams and one competitive team.  I was in one of the social teams we won two games and lost two games.  The other social team won two lost one and drew one. The competitive team won the competition  and they are going to Nelson to play the other teams.
One day a guy called David Gawith came to room four to tell us about Antarctica.  We gave a all black kiwi.  He told us about the animals there, I liked the elephant seals cause they make funny noises.


This story starts in the Admiral Benbow , an inn.  Jim Hawkins (played by Quin) works there.  Billy bones (played by Shanti) comes to stay.  He has a treasure map  .  He was once a pirate , a member of Captain  Flintys crew.  He is visited by Black  Dog (played by Stevie  )who fights him.  Then the evil Blind Pew  (played by sasha ) comes and scares him to death.
Jim gets the map . He gets the Goodies, Dr Livesey (played by Charlie ) Squire Trelawney (played by Sarah ),  Mr Dance (played by Shannen ) and they hire a ship called the Hispaniola.  The captain is Captain Smollet(played by Makayla ) who gets Long John Silver (played by Maddison ) to collect a crew.  Long John silver is evil and one of Captain Flints pirates.  He collects all the other pirates and away they sail.
On the trip Jim hears of a plot to kill the goodies  . When they get to the island the Goodies go to the stockade  . The baddies go in search of the treasure  .  An old pirate called Ben gunn (played by Zion ) who has been marooned , arrives and joins the goodies.
Jim takes off and sails the s around the island.  The pirates have nowhere to go.  There's a big .  The pirates are winning until they hear Ben Gunn who they think is a ghost of Captain Flint.  Ben gunn screams horribly..
They all run away and the goodies find the treasure and sail back to England.
My favourite part was When Billy almost got shot. 
My favourite character was One eyed stud.
Evil pirate
  Street race
On the 27th of July Parklands School had the street race.  First we met outside the senior classes in our house colours.  We walked up High street around to the court.  Miss Sefton gave us briefing of the track.  The year 6 run was up pah street all the way up to the Marae down We all left in our age groups. 
everybody got a juicy and at the end the people on the podium got a photo.
The Olympics are held every four years.  Athletes from all over the world come to and compete at the games.  The first ever Olympics were held at Athens in Greece.  There are Olympics this year at London in England.  New Zealand got six gold  two silver and five bronze.  We did well in rowing, shot put, equestrian and canoe sprint.  My favourite New Zealand olympian is Mahe Drysdale.
I enjoyed watching the javelin.
To see Valerie Adams click here

Cool wigs
The band
Rock da house is a choir made up of a few schools.  Parklands, Mot South and Riwaka are performing at the Memorial hall.  We have thirteen songs to sing.  Each school picked two soloists, the two soloists at Parklands are Makayla and Jason.  We have practised at Riwaka School and Mot South school.  The two people that organised it are John and Paulette.  My favuorite song is Eye of the Tiger.  The show was  great our soloists sang really well.  I reckon it was 10/10.  The audience enjoyed it I saw them laughing when we sang Bad Hair Day.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
On Monday the 7th of September it was oral health week.  Each person wrote something about teeth and some people did other stuff about teeth like posters and other activities.  On Friday all of the school had a shared lunch.  There was chicken egg sandwiches carrots and celery and other food.  My favourite thing about oral health week was the shared lunch.   I liked the egg sandwiches.
These are bad teeth
These are good teeth


On friday the 14th of September it was winter tournament day.  Schools from all around the district     came to play.  We have winter tournament because it encourages people to play different sports.  I played soccer, we played nine games.  We lost 1 game drew one game and won the rest. Our team got into the final against another Parklands team which we won 1-0.  In the netball a Parklands team got first.  In the rugby the Parklands team didn't do so good.  I enjoyed beating the other Parklands team.


On Friday the 19th of October Room 4 had their car race.  There were cars powered by balloons, mouse traps, pull back motors and battery powered.  My car was battery powered.  The body was made out of cardboard it had an engine and wheels out of a remote control car.  My car had a wire hanging out the back window with a big 18 volt battery and switch to make it go.  My car was the fastest.


On Monday the 29th of October the new multi purpose room opened.  Lots of people came to see it open like the Mayor Richard Kempthorne.  Every class got their chairs and sat down around the room. Whaea Tania did a karanga and Whaea Gladys said some prayers.  After that everyone went in and had a look.  Then Whaea Marion Edwin said the thank you to all the people that helped.  They unveiled the tukutuku which is a weaving.  At the end everyone got a biscuit and a chocolate and went to morning tea.

Room 3 and 4 are going to do a performance at the Kapa haka festival.  We have three songs they are Poutini the boys haka  also Pa mai and E Rona.  We have been practicing for about a term.  At the start we weren't very good but we have improved heaps.  We have leaders for each song.  We were practicing every Wednesday but now we practice at least three times a week.  Our teacher is Whaea Brooke.  My favourite song is poutini because we get to shout really loud.


Cool haka

The show was amazing.  We did great but I reckon we went too fast.  The other shows were pretty good, in particular The whanau class because they had some good lead singers.  On both days the hall was packed.


  1. How to sign into blogger              
  2. How to get onto safari
  3. How to use the internet
  4. How to put pictures in
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  6. How to put pictures side by side                                                      
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