Friday, March 30, 2012


                                    8th of March 2012

When we went on our trip yesterday.   First of all we drove by bus to Bishops school in Nelson.  Bishops school is small with high windows so you don't look out and day dream.  Mr Green was very scary but she was only pretending and her real name was Nicky.  After that we had morning tea on the cathedral.  Then we  walked down to the museum and I am sure I saw a pretend taniwha.  We had to do a quiz about in the olden days which wasn't that hard.  When we had lunch  at Queens Gardens we saw some ducks, eels and one frog.  After lunch we walked to the Riverside indoor pool.  It was so deep.  It was about 2 meters deep.  We got to go on a swing that led into the water.  It was fun,  in fact the whole trip was fun.
Inside Bishop's School
The little kids' pool at Riverside.

Morning tea at the Cathedral steps

Nice posting Alexa.                                                     


Nelson city

Our trip!

On Thursday we went to Nelson for a trip.  I felt sick because the bus driver went crazy. It was fun when we went to Bishop school to see what it was like.  Heaps of people got told off for bumping their seats.
After that we went to the cathedral stairs for morning tea.
Then that we went to the museum. I really liked the quiz the best.  I almost got too scared to put my hand in the cave creatures part.  When we left the museum I got some guides on the shelf.
After that we walked to the Queens gardens to have lunch. I fed the ducks and eels some ham and bread.  The eel bit me because I put my finger in the water but it didn't hurt.  All the adults told us off for feeding the ducks.
It was cool walk to the Riverside pool because I saw a trout.  My favorite part was when I had a go on the rope swing at Riverside pool.  On the way back I drew with Blake.
The Museum
Queens Gardens


            Room 3 and 4's trip to Nelson                                                
Bishops school inside 

On Thursday morning Mr B did the roll and we lined up and walked to the bus and the bus driver drove us to Nelson and dropped us off at Bishops school.  We had a little walk around the school.  Then classes broke up and room 3 went to the museum and room 4 went to Bishop school. In side it was old!!! We had a very strict teacher but she was just acting it we did some handwriting and rims.
We stayed in the school for 1 hour. We walked to the cathedral for some morning tea . Then classes swopped room 3 went to bishop school and we walked to the museum. At the museum we did some question my buddy was Jason. we got up to number 18 out of 22. An hour later we walked to to queens garden and had lunch . After half an hour we went to the river side pool for an hour then we had to get out and quickly get dressed and hopped on the bus to school.


I sat on exactly that railing

I got a heart attack from 'mr' green over there

That was 'like' the warmest pool ever in the history of the universe
There was some really shiny glass that looked like it was more flat than it really was

Ribbit Ribbit the devil bread frog is still there
On the ninth of March 2012 rooms 4 and 3 went on a bus to Nelson. I sat beside Chevaughn and Emma and I got the window seat (oh yeah) After what seemed like ages we came to Bishop school but room 3 went to  the museum. When we lined up outside the doors "Mr" Green came with a cane and strap and called  hats off straight line i may use this cane. it was so scary.   Afterwards we went to the museum and had a scavenger hunt it was really fun.  For lunch we went to the Queens Gardens.  A cheeky duck nibbled at my lunch.  We also saw some eels in the duck pond!  After that we went to the Riverside pools.  But for the first five minutes we played on the playground.  When we got to go into the pool I jumped into the deep end.  It was so warm.  When it was time to go out we saw a white swan as we went across the bridge.  It was too cool to be true.   


Hi there! This is the amazing me!!!



We have a multi cultural festival because we are the only multi-cultural school at the top of the south island there is really fun games and activities I did not go to the Turangawaewae festival but I heard it was great.  There was 50 cent watermelon pony rides, face painting, rock climbing and swimming.
Get ready!


Book week!!! by Siobhan on PhotoPeach

 We have book week because we like to find out about book characters. Becky, our school librarian arranged book week. During the week we had D.E.A.R. During the parade we walked through the kindergarten. By Siobhan
Room's Three & Four Trip To Lake Rotoiti
On the 22 of May 2012 at nine o'clock room's three & four went on a bus to lake Rotoiti. It took about two hours to get there. On the way to lake Rotoiti two people puked.   One was watery and the other one chunkey and it was ickey :s ...Yuk!!... About two long long hours later we finally got to lake Rotoiti  then we had some morning tea after morning tea.   We spilt up into two groups, Mr T's group and Mr B's group.   I was in Mr T's group.   One group did a walk when the other group talked about pests then the groups swapped.   After that we had lunch then we went to the vistors' center then we went back to school
Lake Rotoiti
On the bus
Lunch on the jetty
Another view
                                     TREASURE ISLAND.                                                                          
                                                                                                                         This story starts in the Admiral Benbow inn.  Jim  Hawkins (Quin) works there.  Billy Bones (Shanti) comes to stay.  He has a map.  He was once a pirate, a member of Captain  Fint's crew.  He is visited by Black  Dog (Stevie)who fights him.  Then the evil Blind Pew (Sasha) comes and scares him to death.
Jim gets the map. He gets the Goodies, Dr Livesey (Charlie) Squire Trelawney (Sarah),  Mr Dance (Shannen) and they hire a ship called the Hispaniola.  The captain is Captain  Smollett (Makayla) who gets Long John Silver (Madison) to collect a crew.  Long John Silver is evil and one of Captain Flint's pirates.  He collects all the other pirates and away they sail.
On the trip Jim  hears of a plot to kill the goodies. When they get to the island the goodies go to the stockade. The baddies go in search of the treasure.  An old pirate called Ben Gunn (Zion) who has been marooned, arrives and joins the goodies.
Jim takes off and sails the ship around the island.  The pirates have nowhere to go.  There's a big fight.  The pirates are winning
until they hear Ben Gun  who they think is a ghost of Captain Flint.  Ben Gun screams horribly.
They all run away and the goodies find the treasure and go's back to England.
My favourite part was
When Billy Bones came on! because my best got the part
My favourite character was
Billy Bones because my best friend had the part My part in the show was a pirate 
Let's get the map ha ha ha!!!
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

The awesome Parklands school street race!  

On Friday the 27 of July 2012 Parklands school had a street race                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
The medals silver, gold and bronze

The Olympic games                                       

Let the games begin.   Some people think that the Olympics are a waste of time.   Well it is sort of maybe it is because 4 years just for a little 2 week full of sports and stuff and that is a big waste of time.  Every Olympic stadium is brand new.   Wasteful as! But I do think that 4 years apart  New Zealand got 6 gold 2 silver and 5 bronze medals                                                                                                                                   But for the people that have dreams of going to the Olympics that have only one arm or leg can go to the Paralympics its like the Olympics for the people that only have 1 or 0 arms or legs or have fake arms or legs.  They can live a dream so they can be happy.   Even if they don't get a medal they are still happy because the went to the Paralympics.                                                                 
Here is a paralympics video on the Paralympic games opening ceremony.
WATCH HERE                                                                                                                                            
 Here is a olympic video on the olympic games opening ceremony.                                                              WATCH HERE
ROCK DA HOUSE                                                                                                                                     
Rock da house is a choir made up of a group of schools. The group's are singing on the 28th 29th and the 30th of August in the 3 group's are these schools. On Tuesday: Upper Moutere, Ngatimoti, Dovedale and Mahana. On Wednesday: Tasman, St Peter Chanel, Lower Moutere and Mapua. On Thursday: Parklands, Motueka South and Riwaka. My favorite song is Bad Hair Day                                                             . Rock Da House was at the memorial hall in Motueka next to the Tasman bays library. I wasn't there but I  heard that the audience went crazy because we were ... well... well we were so awesome. I think our soloists did so well but they were not just good they were awesome! The show went so well.                                                                                   
What's up with all the crazy hair?
Bad hair day or what                                                                                                                                            
 For oral health week our class did projects on our teeth. There were heaps of different topics. I did my projects on how braces work. Some people did animal teeth like Kaleb or toothpaste like Brittney. Some people did cavities. Yuk and icky decay.   Sick sick sick.                                                                                
someone has not been looking after their teeth
this person has been looking after their teeth

We have the winter sports tournament because it's a good opportunity for the people that can't do the winter sports in the weekends. The sports include: hockey,netball,rugby and soccer. I played netball because I like to play it and I play in the weekends. I enjoyed winning first place overall with 27 points.

This is Emma's car

In term three and four my class made self propelled cars. I made a blue traction car at the last minute. This is what I used to make my car :
One traction motor
Four wheels
Blue paint
White paint
One knife
One model Ferrari.
This is how I made my car ( with my dad's help)

I took the model Ferrari apart and my dad cut off a bit of plastic then I put it back together then I painted it blue and white.


Our tuku tuku pattern
The sign for the Whare

On Monday 29th of October room 4 and the rest of Parklands school saw the opening of Te Whare Aniwaniwa. Then we got to see Whaia Te Iti Kahurangi which is our school's tuku tuku pattern that Aunty Mere, Hinekura and Selina made. Before we saw the tuku tuku pattern Whaea Gladys the Maori minister blessed the building then Mr Major and Whaia Tania gave the building its name Aniwaniwa which means Rainbow.


On Thursday the 8th of November rooms 3 and 4 are opening the kapa haka festival and the other schools that are perfroming are Lower Moutere, Motueka South, Riwaka, St Peter Chanel, Brooklyn, Ngatimoti, Salisbury, Mapua and Tasman Bay Chistian. The songs that we are singing are Pai Mai,E Rona and the haka is Poutini. Alana led Pai Mai, Shannen led E Rona and Jack,Liam and Jackson led the haka. The school I liked the most (not inclueding Parklands) was St Peter Chanel and the Whannu of Parklands school was awesome my favorite song was E Rona

This is the last post from this year and this is what I have learned to :
  1. How to sign in.
  2. How to put in a link
  3. How to put in a video clip from youtube
  4. How to put in a numbered list
  5. How to open Safari
  6. How to sign out
  7. How to open a new window
  8. Finding the menu bar
  9. Finding the bookmarks bar
  10. How to get pictures 
  11. How to get pictures off Safari
  12. How to put pictures side by side
  13. How to caption pictures
  14. Putting 1 space after a comma
  15. Putting 2 spaces after a full stop
  16. I can find my post
  17. How to put in a title
  18. How to copy and paste
  19. I can go onto the school blog
  20. How to make a slideshow
  21. I can publish my post
  22. I can update my post
  23. How to use italics
  24. How to use bold
  25. How to use colors



On the 8th of March 2012, we went for a trip to Nelson. It took ages and then finally we reached "Bishops School".  Ms. Green did an act to be "Mr. Green".  But I didn't know that until the end.  It was very very freaky (scary).  We had to do some maths, reading + spelling.  There were even whips, a strong stick, a belt, another stick etc.)  After  1/2 an hour (30 mins) later we went out of Bishop School.  I was relieved!  Then we went to the Cathedral to have morning tea. Then we went to the Nelson Museum.  It was fun. I learnt a lot of stuff.  Then we left to go back to school.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Hi I am Jason I like to play rugby.   I am 8 years old.   I live in town with my mum and my sister.                   I go to Parkland's School.


Parkland's school has Turangawaewae Festival to celebrate different cultures and because they want to make money for the school.  There are activities like bouncy castles and dancing.  I enjoyed the 50 cents watermelon. 
Luisa from Tuvalu
Pony rides


We have book week because we want people to read more books and enjoy reading more then watching T.V During book week we marched around town dressed in costumes to do with Islands.

by Campbell and Jason on Photo Peach

On the 22nd of may 2012 room 4 and room 3 raced off to the big bus outside Parkland's school to go to Lake Rotoiti.   It was a long trip but the sad thing was that two people puked.   One was watery and looked like frog slime and one was chunky like he ate corn for dinner.   Once we got there we had our morning tea then we went to the front of the walk way to split into groups.   There were two walks to do.   I was doing the honey dew walk.  When we were walking there was a panel of writing that said go to a tree and you will eat a bit of yellow sap.   Once I tried it tasted so good so I started eating all the sap of the trees.  There was a big hill at the end so I ran as fast as I could then a big corner came.   Next moment I was skidding around the corner at top speed.   When we got to the end a lady told us what the sap actually was IT WAS WEE AND POO!!!.        
The lake
Lunch on the wharf
This term room 4 is learned about Antarctica.  We got to have a person called nick to come teach us because he have been in the Antarctica before.  He taught us about fish and how to fish.  We sent a toy kiwi to go there as well.   We saw lots of photos from his camera.
Weddell Seals
Penguin meeting.

This story starts in the Admiral Benbow, an inn.  Jim  Hawkins (played by Quin) works there.  Billy Bones  (played by Shanti) comes to stay.  He has a treasure map .  He was once a pirate, a member of Captain  Flint's crew.  He is visited by Black Dog (played by Stevie) who fights him.  Then the evil Blind pew  (played by Sasha) comes and scares him to death.
Jim gets the map . He gets the Goodies, Dr Livesey (played by Charlie) Squire Trelawney (played by Sarah),  Mr Dance (played by Shannen) and they hire a ship called the Hispaniola.  The captain is Captain  Smollett (played by Makayla) who gets Long John (played by Madison) to collect a crew.  Long John is evil and one of Captain Flint's  pirates.  He collects all the other pirates and away they sail.
On the trip Jim  hears of a plot to get the treasure. When they get to the island the Goodies go to the stockade. The baddies go in search of the treasure.  An old pirate called Ben Gun (played by Zion) who has been marooned, arrives and joins the gang.
Jim takes off and sails the ship around the island.  The pirates have nowhere to go.  There's a big fight.  The pirates are winning until they hear Ben Gun who they think is a ghost of Captain Flint.  Ben Gun screams horribly.
They all run away and the goodies find the treasure and sail back to England.
My favourite part was Ben Gun screams (why because it was funny.)
My favourite character was Blind Pew (why? because he does a funny dance.)
My part in the show was singing. These photos are from the show...
On the 27th of July we had a cross - country but in stead of calling it cross - country we called it the Street race the modern cross - country.  We had to be in different teams in age level me and my friends were in year 4 and 5. Every one was excited wondering what place they would come my best friends thought they would 5th and 6th but they came 17th and 18th and I thought I would come 3rd but I came 4th after every one had gone people who have made it to Rabbit Island is the people who came third in there age level I was so lucky that the person who came at front of me was  year 4 so I made it to rabbit Island awesome!!!.                                                                                                                                              
The  Olympics games were held in London / England 2012                                                                                                
Every one can go to  the Olympic games as long as they buy a ticket .  
The first game was girls football, NZ vs Jamaica which NZ won 5/ 1.  Awesome!!!.  I am doing a project on shot put.   My favorite person was Valerie Adams who got silver but at the end of the Olympics people found out the person who came first  was taking drugs so Valerie Adams came first.                                       Woo Ho for Valerie Adams .                                                                    
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ROCK-DA HOUSE           
Rock-da house is people singing songs and having fun .  At Rock-da house you can audition to get a soloist part to sing on your own or in a duet with someone only two people can make it out of every school . The people who arranged it are Paulette and John  Paulette and John are supportive to make us sing better.  Me  and my friends auditioned for fun but when we found the results me and Makayla made it I was so surprised.   After a while I didn't want to do it because it wasted all my time but then Mr B , my teacher didn't let me get out of it.  Sometimes I have to sing  
to room 6, 4 and 3 and once I had to sing at Assembly.  Once when we were singing songs a boy from our school got on the stage  and sang Hey-soul sister.   He was so good we got to have three people from our school doing it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Oral Health Week
At oral health week we had to make posters about teeth and we had to do reports about decay and all that.  At the end of the week we had a shared lunch with healthy food like chicken, carrots, cheese and Oranges.  After the feast,  the Packston's and I had a game of soccer on the court. 
bad teeth
good teeth


Every year is a Winter Tournament which involves everyone apart from year three and down who don't go. We play against teams from 9.30 pm to 2.30 pm. The sport I chose was soccer.  In the games I was a defender, our coach was Nick and captain was Raven and vice was me Jason. The first game was a draw!. The second game we lost but after that we were coming 3rd then we were coming first place. Then we had to play the first team from the other pool, Parklands 2. 
The game has begun for first and second.  Fergus dribbles it up.  Raven's by the goal.  Fergus chips it. Raven gains full control.  He kicks it. It's a goal!!.  It's second half.  Nobody scores. Yes "we are the champions my friend... no time for losers cause we are the champions... etc etc etc ..." 
The End...

Our cars 

On the 19 of October 2012 pupils in room 4 had a car race in the hall.  I made  about 8 models. When the race came I didn't have a fast car so I was up 24 7 making it.   My car was made out of plastic with a motor and wheels.

On Monday the 29 of October we had an opening ceremony for the multi purpose room.   That's where we are going to have our Parklands dollars prizes.  At the ceremony Whaea Tania did most the talking about the multi purpose room. The multi purpose room was named Aniwaniwa meaning Rainbow working together. Whaea Gladys and the whanau sang songs and all of us got to touch the walls in the whole building.   Afterwards whaea Tania told a story after the story she said, "At every rainbow you get gold." and she gave out lollies to every one and  that was it for the ceremony.


On the 8Th of the 11 of the 2012 Parklands kids are going to have a kapa Haka festival in the marmoreal hall and lots of schools are going to be there doing there performance. My class room and room 3 is going first. We have three leaders Liam Kelly, Jack Doocey and Jackson Harris. I am in the second row for the boys. The songs we are singing is (Poutini ) the haka ( pamai) the first song and E rona.


It was a nice sunny day and performance day for lots of schools. Parklands was the host school and the whanau did the mihi whakatau to welcome everyone. The little kids in room 5 were first.  We didn't get to watch them because we were back stage waiting for our turn next. When they went of we had to go on in a orderly fashion girls at front.  The boys were at the back and our first song was Pamai.  Our second song was E Rona our last was the haka Poutini.   The leaders did a good a good job.  All the other schools went at the end .  The whanau did the winning song. Over the next day we watched more Hakas and that was the end of kapa Haka fun day.


  1. File new window.
  2. How to sign in.
  3. how to put pictures side by side.
  4. how to get pictures from this blog.
  5. how to sign out.
  6. how to find safari.
  7. how to get a u tube clip.
  8. how to copy and past.
  9. how to make a slide show.
  10. how to find your blog.
  11. how to get to blogger.
  12. how to put two gaps after a full stop.
  13. how to get pictures of the sever.
  14. how to caption pictures.
  15. how to make pictures small.
  16. how to use ABC.
  17. how to make pictures big again 
  18. how to get a capital letter with out using caps lock.
  19. how to do a numbed list.
  20. how to make a new post.
  21. how to log out of blogger.
  22. how to minimise.
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  25. how to change the collar of the letters.
Time for medication