Friday, March 23, 2012


I come from Nelson/Mot and my favourite colour is green.
My goal is to improve on maths. When I'm older I want to teach.

                                          TURANGAWAEWAE FESTIVAL
Why we have the multcultural fesfiual -it's to celebrate all of of our cultures and to raise money for our school.  I think it was fun.

pony rides
Tiarna rock climbing

face painting 


                                      BOOK WEEK

On book week we had to drop and read at about 10:15am.  We have a Librarian who arranged book week.  On Friday we dressed up and walked down the street.  I dressed as Pippilong-stockings.  Mrs Milne  dressed up as the jellybean Queen.   She also read as a story to us and at the end of the we got jellybeans.

                                       LAKE ROTOITI                                  

On the 22nd of May 2012 we slowly drove to lake Rotoiti and on the bus two vomited.  When we got to lake Rotoiti we had some morning tea and went into  the bush.  We could hear lots of birds.  Then we split up into two groups,one group went on the honeydew walk and the other talked about traps.  Did you know that control is a nice way of saying killing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
This story starts in the Admiral Benbow, an inn.  Jim  Hawkins (played by Quin) works there.  Billy Bones  (played by Shanti) comes to stay.  He has a treasure map .  He was once a pirate, a member of Captian  Flint's crew.  He is visited by Black Dog (played by Stevie) who fights him.  Then the evil Blind pew  (played by Sasha) comes and scares him to death.
Jim gets the map . He gets the Goodies, Dr Livesey (played by Charlie) Squire Trelawney (played by Sarah),  Mr Dance (played by Shannen) and they hire a ship called the Hispaniola.  The captain is Captain  Smollet (played by Makayla) who gets Long John (played by Madison) to collect a crew.  Long John is evil and one of Captain Flint's  pirates.  He collects all the other pirates and away they sail.
On the trip Jim  hears of a plot to get the treasure. When they get to the island the Goodies go to the stockade. The baddies go in search of the treasure.  An old pirate called Ben Gunn (played by Zion) who has been marooned, arrives and joins the gang.
Jim takes off and sails the ship around the island.  The pirates have nowhere to go.  There's a big fight.  The pirates are winning. until they hear Ben Gunn who they think is a ghost of Captain Flint..  Ben Gunn screams horribly.
They all run away and the goodies find the treasure and sail back to England.
My favourite part were my speaking parts, because I spoke.
My favourite character was Jim, because he is the main character.
My part in the show was on the boat talking.
It's Billy Bones and Jim
It's Long John Silver
                                    THE OLYMPICS                                                                          
On the 27 July the Olympics started.  Lots of athletes came from all over the world.  It was held in London.  I am studying swimming and Amaka Gessler.  Amaka is a swimmer  and is from NZ.  The Olympics have a torch that burns by the end of the game.  NZ has 6 gold,  2 silver and a5 bronze medals.   Click here to watch a video of Mr Bean.                                                                                                                                                                      Here is another video of the Games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             




At school we are doing rock DA house our leaders are  John and Paulette.  Our soloists are Makayla and Jason.  We are having a dress rehearsal on Wednesday the 29th.  There are lots of schools like riwaka,mot south,ngatimoti,st peter channel and lower moutere.  THE FINAL PERFORMANCE.   The show was awesome and the audience enjoyed it as it was an awesome night.  Our soloists stole the show.   They were amazing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The week before last week we had oral health week.  On one lunch time we had a shared lunch.  There were lots of food like oranges, chicken, broccoli, cauliflower, sandwiches, carrot and lots of others.  My project was on false teeth.  I learnt that in the olden days they used tobacco and honey to brush their teeth, "ehh".                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          



On the 14th of September we had winter tournament.  I played netball. We played about 14 games.  We lost 1 game and had 4 byes.  There were lots of bees at the courts.  Luckily no one out of my team got a bee sting.  There were all kinds of sports like, Soccer, Hockey, Netball and Rugby.  We took the bus to the recreation center and back.

My team


On Friday we had a car race and we had to make our own cars.

I used...
.    11 beer cans
.    a fan motor
.    1 big battery
.    1 rubber band
.    1 Platte form
.    2 nails
.    1 zip tie
.    1 set of wire
step 1~ I cut out the top of the beer cans.
step 2~ I pushed 3 beer cans together. (they were the ones that I cut the lid of from)
step 3~ I put two nails throw the body.
step 4~  I pushed the wheels over the nails
step 5~  Then I glued the Platte form on the body of the car.
step 6~  I glued the battery and the motor on the Platte form.
step 7~  Then I put the zip tie around the wire.
step 8~   Then me and dad soldered the wire onto the one side of the battery and on the end of the fan motor.


On the 29th of October we had a opening ceremony for our new multi-purpose room.  We had to listen to a wonderful welcoming song led by Whaea Tania.  Then we heard a lady named Whaea Gladys do a song in Maori and Whaea Gladys had a bowl of water and a leaf that she dipped the  into the bowl and sprinkled it in the new multi-purpose room.  We all followed her in and around the room then we went back to our seats and listened to a story about Aniwaniwa which means rainbow in English.  Then at the end we got a chocolate and biscuit.  THE END

Kapa Haka festival

On Thursday we are doing a Kapa Haka festival.  Their are lots of schools mot south and ngatimoti. The songs are Pamai E Rona and a Haka called Poutini. We are the first act. We are the first act and we are really looking forward to it!


On the 8th of November we did Kapa haka fun day.  We had to do a performance in front of lots of people from different schools.  first we had to wait on the stage with room 5 and 6 while some Maori people were speaking. Then room 4 and 3 moved of to the back rooms while rooms 5 and 6 performed.
There were two back rooms one for the boys and one for the girls, Both rooms had tvs. then we hade to move in our rows onto the stage where we sang our two songs Pai mai and t rona and then the girls moved back for the boys to do the Haka thFGn we walked off the stage and watched the other acts. At the end the whanau performed there's. On friday the seniors performed and we watched them.



smiley lap top
  1. How to turn the computer on
  2. File new window
  3. Go to safari
  4. Find blogger
  5. Log into blogger
  6. How to use the tabs at the top
  7. How to publish post
  8. How to use the reverse button
  9. How to save post
  10. How to put lables in
  11. How to put tittles in
  12. How to change the size of the writing
  13. How to use the keyboard 
  14. How to change colour on writing
  15. How to get onto the internet
  16. To get clips of youtube and how to put them on blogger
  17. How to copy and paste
  18. How to get pictures off internet
  19. How to change heading
  20. How to put photos on blogger
  21. How to put pictures side by side
  22. How to caption photos
  23. How to make photos bigger and smaller
  24. How to use mouse and curser
  25. How to use italics
  26. How to have fun while doing blogger

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