Friday, March 9, 2012


My name is Amber and I am 10 years old. I like horses and dogs. My favourite colour is silver and I like to play netball. My goal for this year is maths and swimming.



1. Why do we have a multicultural festival? Because our school is the only multicultural school in the Nelson district.

2. Our activities were pony rides, rockcliming, bouncy castle, swimming and jump jam.

Pony Rides
Rock Climbing
                                                       ROCK DA HOUSE 

On the 30th of August Parklands School participated in the rock da house chior with two other schools. The songs were Black horse in a cherry tree, California dreaming, Count on me, Eye of the tiger, If you wanna sing out, Ma Te Mahi Ka Ora, We will rock you, We are the world, One day, Mary had a little lamb, Something in the water, The bad hair day, We're gonna have a party and Falling slowly. Parklands School soloists were Makayla sing we are the world and Jason sing falling slowly. I think everyones favourite song was bad hair day because we all enjoyed the actions and wearing the wigs. 


Two weeks ago it was oral health week. Our class (room4) did posters and projects o teeth. My project was on how a tooth is formed I learnt that a tooth has eight formations they are crown, root, enamel, dentin, pulp, gum, cementum and jawbone. What I found interesting was that the enamel acts like the tooth's personal bodyguard.




On the 14th f september 2012 the year 4,5 and 6 students went to the winter tournament. There were 4 sports netball, socker, hockey and rugby. I played netball. There were four netball teams from Parklands school. I was in Parklands four with Shanti, Chevaughn, Siobhan, Lucia, Karina, Laura and Charlotte. We had 8 games and we won them all. 



Room four got given a new project. The project was 'cars'. We had to create our own car and have a race My car was finished in two nights. It was built with;
Two coke cans.
Two bronze rods.
Four wheels made out of rubber and plastic.
Four rubber bands.
I had help from my grandad who knows about cars because he is a  mechanic. He made the wheels and put them on for me.

Friday was the the day the race set off. I was in the push powered group and I came second.


Room 4 and 3are going to be in a Kapahaka festival on the 8th of November 2012. We have been practicing 2 songs and 1 haka with Whaea Brooke. The songs are Pamai and E rona E and the haka is Poutini. The schools that we are going to be peforming with are Uper Moutere, Motueka south, Rawaka, St  Peter Chanal, Brooklyn, Ngatimoti, Salisbury, Mapua, Tasman Bay Christian and Pakarana (us). Room 3 and 4 all cantwait untill the big day.


On the 8th of November room 4 and room 3 were in a kapahaka performance. At the start Whaea Tania and Matua Aaron . When we were about to go on the stage we were in the backstage rooms watching the first peformance on a t.v. When we came on stage my tummy started hurting but going through the first song I got more confidence. Overall I think the whanau were the best out of everyone.



1. How to sign in.
2. How to sign out.
3. How to oen file new window.
4. How to put a picture on.
5. I can add captions.
6. I can go on to the school blog.
7. I can copy and paste.
8. I can find pictures.
9 I can get pictures from the internet
10. How to find the menu bar.
11. How to find book marks bar.
12. I can put pictures side by side.
13. I can put in a video from youtube.
Amber playing on computer.
14. How to put in a link
15. I can open safari.
16. leave one space after a comma,
17. Leave two spaces after a full stop.
18. How to put in a title.
19. I can find my post.
20. I can view blogger.
21. How to make a side show.
22. I can update my post.
23. How to play videos.
24. keyboard short cuts.
25. Hold shift down for symbols.
26. I can paragraph.
27. I can change font.
28. I can change size.
29. How to preview.
30. How to make words go to the middle of the page.
31. How to make words go to the left of the page.
32. How to make words go to the right of the page.
33. how to use colours.

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