Friday, March 23, 2012


Hello!! My name is Lily.  My favourite colour is blue,  and I am interested in sports, reading and art.
I have three brothers and two sisters and a Mum and 2 Dads.


We had a Turangawaewae festival.  We had the festival to celebrate different cultures from around the world and at school.  My favourite activity was the pony ride and rock climbing.  There were food stalls from different countries and people dressed in costumes.  There was also swimming and bouncy castles too.  It was good fun!!!!

Country flags
Everybody having fun!


On the 20th of March 2012 a person named Nick came to teach us about Antarctica.  He is a scientist and he has been to Antarctica for a research about fish.  He showed us some photos.  I found out that you have to make your own shelter for training before you can explore the place properly. It takes approximately 8 hours to get to Antarctica from New Zealand (NZ).
It was very interesting learning about Antarctica.

White Desert
Cute Walrus


 Two weeks ago we had bookweek.  We have bookweek because we can encourage other people to read, we can find out interesting information and we can find out about different authors.  Book Week was arranged by Becky the librarian.
During the week every day at 12.15 we had to DEAR (Drop Everything and Read)  We also got to meet a New Zealand author called Maria Gill, who has written heaps of book, some of which are in our school library.   On our last day of book week, which was Friday, we had a whole school parade.  We were all dressed up as a pirate, castaway, mermaid or Pacific Islander.
We walked around High Street and into Laura Ingram Kindergarten.
We all had a great Book Week.

A Mixed Book Week photo!

The big Lake
 A Pretty sight
On the 22 of April 2012 rooms 3 and 4 went on a trip to Lake Rotoiti. We travelled by one bus and some of the parent helpers cars. On the way to Lake Rotoiti some of the kids felt sick, so we had to stop several times on the way there and on the way back. As soon as we got to the Lake while I was eating my morning tea I thought that Lakes were the size of ponds because the Lake was very big.  After we ate our morning tea we met this girl called Peta, who was the person that helped us learn about different birds and the pests.
Later, Mr B and Mr T sorted each other into mixed groups to learn together and to do a quiz. 
After we learned some things and finished our quiz we had lunch on the wharf at Lake Rotoiti. At lunch time I sat next to my friend, Shanti. Later we were allowed to go to the second wharf and look at the Long Finned Eels, They looked very slimy.
Later we got onto the bus to drive back to our school.
It was a great day!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
On Tuesday the 12th of June a scientist called David Gawith came into my class room, (room 4) to talk to room's 3 and 4.
My favourite animal is the Killer Whale (or the Orca).
I like the Killer Whale because I like the size of them, I like the colours on them and I'm just interested in  Killer Whales. I'm interested in Killer Whales.
A huge Killer Whale
This story starts in the Admiral, an inn.  Jim  Hawkins (played by Quin) works there.  Billy Bones (played by Shanti) comes to stay.  He has a treasure chest.  He was once a pirate, a member of Captain  Flint's crew.  He is visited by Black Dog (Played By Stevie) who fights him.  Then the evil Blind Pew  (Played By Sasha) comes and scares him to death.
Jim gets the map. He gets the Goodies, Dr Livesey (Played by Charley) Squire Trelawney (Played by Sarah),  Mr Dance (Played by Shannen) and they hire a ship called the Hispaniola.  The captain is Captain  Smollett (Played by Makayla) who gets Long John Silver  (Played by Madison) to collect a crew.  Long John Silver is evil and one of Captain Flint's pirates.  He collects all the other pirates and away they sail.
On the trip Jim  hears of a plot to get the treasure. When they get to the island the Goodies go to the Stockade. The baddies go in search of the treasure.  An old pirate called Ben Gunn (Played by Zion) who has been marooned, arrives and joins the goodies .
Jim takes off and sails the ship around the island.  The pirates have nowhere to go.  There's a big fight.  The pirates are winning,until they hear Ben Gunn who they think is a Ghost of Captain Flint.  Ben screams horribly...
They all run away and the goodies find the treasure and sail back to England.
My favourite part was when Dr Livesey said"You call that a knife, this is a knife."and he held up a cardboard knife. I like it because the knife was floppy and funny.
My favourite character was Dr Livesey because he said he was a lot of things at the start. 
My part in the show was when we had to sing as soon as they got to the island and when it was the end of the show.
Ben Gunn
Some of the crew


It all started in 1896 at Athens in Greece,  and now,  New Zealand has competed in the London 2012 Olympic Games all the way in England to compete in Sailing, Equestrian, Shot-Put, Soccor and many other sports for the fun and medals, to win and shine as a Athlete should, and represent our country, New Zealand.
The Olympics happen every 4 years with countries competing from all over the world such as, France, U.S.A ( America), Brazil, Japan and many more.  The lighting of the Olympic Flame is the most dramatic moment of the opening ceremony.  Runners bring a lighted torch from the valley of Olympia, Greece, where the ancient Olympics were held, to the host country. The torch then lights the Olympic flame which burns until the end of the games.   We had so many Olympians that competed for New Zealand.  Some people won some medals for our country, Valarie Adams won a gold medal, two of our rowers won a gold medal and some more people won medals for our country. There are three medals for the first, second and third winner.  The third winner wins a Bronze medal, the second winner wins a Silver medal and the first winner wins the awesome gold medal. All of our Athletes (I hope) had an awesome and fun time competing in the 2012 London Olympics. TO SEE THE MEDAL TABLE CLICK HERE.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
Mary had a little lamb song
The bad hair day

A Parklands School Rooms 3 and 4 have started a choir.  We have two soloists,  Jason who sings the verses for Falling Slowly,  and Makayla who sings the verses for We Are The World. Some other people have joined the choir from different classes as well.  We also have Quin, the leader for Hey Soul Sister ( He plays the ukelele ).   We sing the songs with two other schools Motueka South School and Riwaka School.  Our first rehearsal was at Riwaka School.  We went with Mr B And Mrs Kenny ( Mrs Kenny is our conductor ). When we got to their school Hall John and Paulette was there to help us with the choir.  John is a song writer, he has written The Bad Hair Day and other kiwi kids songs.  The schools are performing the songs on the 30th August on Thursday.  Some of the songs we sing are Big Black Horse In A Cherry Tree, One Day and many more other songs as well.   We all thank Mrs Kenny, Mr B, Mr T, John and Paulette for helping us with the singing and all the hard work they've done for us. 
The Band
The ROCK DA HOUSE Show. Last week on the day Thursday we did our performance at the Memorial Hall.  I think that our two school soloists did a very good job at singing alone and in front of a lot of people.  They made only a few mistakes but otherwise it was really good.  My favourite song that we performed was this one when the adults had to do the actions with us.  It was more than funny, it was 100x funny than just funny.  I think the audience reacted stunned and felt relaxed while the show was on, but, the thing I loved the most was the whole thing, the songs were good and so were the soloists.  I enjoyed being in Rock The House.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
Makayla singing We are the World


On the 14th of September Friday 2012 the juniors had a sports day called the Winter Tournament.
The seniors had their Winter Tournament on the 13th of September.  The seniors are the year seven and eights ( eleven and twelve year olds ),  and the juniors are year four - six ( eight, nine and ten).
The sports are hockey, soccer, netball and rugby.
What I enjoyed the most was playing netball.
I played for the year six netball team ( pool A or team 1).  Our coach is Manu, Manu said we were in the year six netball team because we are the best junior netballers.
In netball my team had seven players, their names are Sophie, Liam, Sarah, Jamie ( Manu's daughter), Alana and Haere - Po.
My team came third overall and one of the other netball teams came first overall.
We all didn't have a good time, we had a great time.

The winning team


Ria's pumped up cool car

On Friday 19th of October, Room 4 had a self propelled car race.
Everyone had different propelled cars.  Some had push propelled, balloon powered, attraction, batteries and many more.
My car wasn't finished, so my car didn't drive in the race.  But, what I did have was a plan for my car.  If my car did get finished, my car would have been a basic push propelled one.
It would have had some cardboard for the base and for the outside of the car, milk lids ( or anything strong and circle I could find ) for the wheels and nails or cotton buds to hold the wheels to the car.
I would've used paint to, well, paint it and stickers to some - how make it look flash in a way.
I'm pretty sure we made the cars because room 3 was making go carts, so, we wanted to do something that only room 4 wanted to do, and that was the cars.  And the race, maybe we had the race to challenge each other car, and it was probably to get out of the class room and have some fun for half an hour or so.  
Also, While we were having the car race, room 3 was watching on the other side of the hall ( the memorial hall ) and talking so loudly, I had to block my ears 100x harder than what I usually would have had to!  It hurt really bad because 1: my right ear is deaf. 
 But other than that, we all ( including room 3 ) had a great time at making cars and watching the race for the cars. We had an awesome and fun time at the hall!!

Last term - term 3 - Rooms' three and four started practising Kapa Haka songs. They all have maori actions so in maori language that would be waiata ringaringa. 
Our teacher is ( Kapa Haka teacher ) Whaea Brooke. She knows lots of songs and actions for them.  She is also a really good singer! Whaea Brooke teaches ever class in main stream and has two daughters in the whanua classes but I only know one and thats Makayla ( Not the one in my class ).

Our Kapa Haka songs are ( In Order ) Pamai, E Rona and the last is the boys Haka, Poutini.
The leaders are Alana Wilson ( the leader of Pamai ), Shannon Smith ( the leader of E Rona ) and instead of one leader for the haka there are three, Liam, Jackson and Jack.

Our school isn't the only one doing it, there are several others such as Lower Moutere, Motueka South, Riwaka, St Peter Chanel, Brooklyn, Ngatimoti, Salisbury and Mapua school.
Also in Pamai the song says our school name in it-Pakarana- in maori! Its really cool.

But, this is the thing I don't really like is that we have to go first, we have to represent our school first and make sure that the audience knows that the show will be a good one, and sometimes we can't even make our teachers proud. But, that just depends. The reason that we're going first is because the first song has Pakarana in it.

But other than that, I've done Kapa Haka all my life so I'm used to it, but this is my favourite kapa haka group I've ever worked with and the songs are very catchy and good. I love doing Kapa Haka! 




Te Whanau o pakarana

Whaea Tania talking.
On the 18th and the 19th of November on Thursday and Friday Parklands School and other schools around and in Motueka performed maori songs and hakas.
The 1st to perform and start the day of was Whaea Tania and the whanau classes. The 1st school to perform was Parklands because we were the host school. The junior classes started about four songs and one haka, then it was our turn to perform.
I was a little bit embarrassed because my big sister kept yelling out my name. It was also very annoying!
Then she finally stopped when we started to sing and dance.
My favourite school that performed was St Peter Chanel because I just like their songs.  My favourite item was te whanau o pakarana because they know how to sing, do the wiri wiri properly and do the pukana really good.
To me that day was the bestest day of my life and I wanted to stay and perform kapa haka for the whole time I was their! Literally! So hopefully I do kapa haka in primary school, high school and well, just the rest of my life cause kapa haka is a fun thing to do and it helps to improve my maori language!

  1. How to sign in.
  2. 2 spaces after a full stop.
  3. How to minimize.
  4. 1 space after a comma.
  5. Return.
  6. Maximize.
  7. Get pictures.
  8. Size pictures.
  9. Caption.
  10. Get videos off the internet.
  11. Get pictures off the net.
  12. Smart login username and password.
  13. Preview a blog post.
  14. Learnt what our classroom username is. 
  15. Create a blog post.
  16. Copy and paste things.
  17. Put pictures side by side.
  18. Change font, colour and the size of words.
  19. Number lists.
  20. Learnt what HTML is.
  21. Make words go to the middle of the page.
  22. New window.
  23. Make slideshows on Photo Peach.
  24. Hold shift down to get symbols.
  25. Shift - capital letter and Caps Lock.
ITS SO FLUFFY! And cute.

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