Friday, March 23, 2012


Last week we went on a trip to Nelson. We went to Bishop school and the Nelson museum.  First we went to Bishop school and our teacher's name was Mr. Green who was very angry.  We had to do some spelling and reading + some maths.  After we went to Bishop we had to go to the Nelson museum.  The Nelson museum was a lot better than Bishop school.  First most of us had a look at the cave creatures but they were only rocks then Mr.B gave us a question sheet and we had to buddy up.  I buddied up with Harsh so we found most of the questions.
Once we had finished lunch we went for a swim.  The water was really warm.  It was way warmer than our swimming pool.  There was a rope swing but  was not going to go on it because it was in the deep end then Mr.T blew the whistle so that meant that we needed to get out of the swimming pool and we had to get changed.  Once we were changed we went across a bridge and on to the bus.                                  
A clock
The Nelson museum at night

Queen's garden
                                                                               THE END!!!

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