Friday, March 2, 2012


Hi I'm Chevaughn, I am 10 years old & I have been in Mr.B's class for 2 years.  My favouritcolour is purple & my favourite food is raspberries KFC.  My Chinese sign is snake & my star sign
is  capricorn.  

  1. People from all over come to our festival to celebrate Turangawaewae because they are welcome also we are celebrating all the different cultures.
  2. At the Turangawaewae festival there was a bouncy castle, rock climbing, zumba & some really good stage performances.
  3. The best thing I enjoyed was the bouncy castle & zumba.  Also I enjoyed having a swim.

We have book week because....
We like to find out about book characters.
To get kids into reading and it makes them learn about certain things.
It was arranged by Becky our librarian.
During the week we wrote book reviews on books we've recently read or ones we really like.
We had Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) everyday.
Also a group of kids got to see an author. Her name was Maria Gill. She wrote 50 famous New Zealanders. She told us some writing tips, how she gets an interview and the books she's written.Also
we were talking about pest control and did a little puppet show.Before we went we got to get her autograph.
On Friday we dressed up. Our theme was islands! I dressed up as a pirate. In the morning
our whole school left at 10:00 for our parade. We went down High street across the pedestrian at Elevation,then down to the old post office across the pedestrian, then through the kindergarten and back to school.
Book week was awesome!!!!



Today a scientist called David Gawith came to talk to us about all sorts of things about Antarctica.
First we talked about the trip there and back.  There was a slideshow about the crew on a ship
Scott Base
Proud Birds
This story starts in the Admiral Benbow, an inn.  Jim  Hawkins (played by Quin) works there.  Billy Bones  (played by Shanti) comes to stay.  He has a treasure map .  He was once a pirate, a member of Captian  Flint's crew.  He is visited by Black Dog (played by Stevie) who fights him.  Then the evil Blind pew  (played by Sasha) comes and scares him to death.
Jim gets the map . He gets the Goodies, Dr Livesey (played by Charley) Squire Trelawney (played by Sarah),  Mr Dance (played by Shannen) and they hire a ship called the Hispaniola.  The captain is Captain  Smollet (played by Makayla) who gets Long John (played by Madison) to collect a crew.  Long John is evil and one of Captain Flint's  pirates.  He collects all the other pirates and away they sail.
On the trip Jim  hears of a plot to get the treasure. When they get to the island the Goodies go to the stockade. The baddies go in search of the treasure.  An old pirate called Ben Gunn (played by Zion) who has been marooned, arrives and joins the gang.
Jim takes off and sails the ship around the island.  The pirates have nowhere to go.  There's a big fight.  The pirates are winning until they hear Ben Gunn who they think is a ghost of Captain Flint.  Ben Gunn screams horribly.
They all run away and the goodies find the treasure and sail back to England.
My favourite part was (why)  When Billy and Blackdog fight because theres lots of action 
My favourite character was (why?)  jim because he was funny and made fun  of the captain  My part in the show was a singer

 My favourite part was: All of it because it was awesome!!   My favourite character was: Long John because I liked it when Long John sang "Get on your knees and beg!"
Every 4 years the Olympics are held somewhere in the world. This year they are being held in London, England.  This year New Zealand has 7 gold medals, and the reason why we have a extra one is because somebody from Russia I think was taking drugs so Valerie Adams got gold in shot put.  All the greatest athletes from around the world come to compete in the Olympic games and do all kinds of sports like rowing for example.  All the participants can't eat junk food or have late nights because they need the energy for the games. 
                                                                                                                                  VIEW THE FULL MEDAL TABLE
Rock da house is a choral festival when schools combine and sing songs. Our conductor is Mrs Kenny. Our soloists are Makayla,Jason,Quin. John and Paulette are in charge of Rock Da House. Our rehearsals have been in room 4 , room 6 and at other schools. We have had rehearsals at Mot South and Riwaka. We went with Mr B and Mrs Kenny. It was awesome!!! Our next big rehearsal was at Mot South and it was also awesome!! Anyway I should mention the songs. There are : Bad hair day, we are the world,eye of the tiger ,falling slowly,we will rock you ,count on me ,something in the water, hey soul sister,black horse in a cherry tree, if you wanna sing out, one day, Ma Te Mahi Ka Ora,we're gonna have a party and California dreaming. The night we're going to sing is the 30th of August. (Thursday) We all thank MrB, MrT,Mrs Kenny and Paulette and John for all their hard work they have done for us
                                       ORAL HEALTH WEEK                                     
During oral heath week we did projects on different topics.  My topic was how teeth are formed.  I learnt  heaps of new information.  I learnt that they used tobacco and honey for toothpaste in the olden days. Eeewwww!! On friday the 9th of september we had a shared lunch.  It was yum!! I only had a little bit though.
healthy teeth

Karina gets the ball

On Friday the 14th of September we had a winter tournament.  Our choices for winter tournament were  netball, soccer, rugby and hockey.  I played netball.

We left school between 9-15 and 9-30 so we could sort out the teams, people etc.  I was in team 2 as in Parklands 2.  Our team was Lucia, Karina, Laura, Shanti, Amber, Siobhan, Me and charlotte.

When we got there we settled down by bench 6 and waited for our first game it was Riwaka v.s our team.  The score was 4-nil.  We won! After that we had a rest to sort out our positions and we had a snack too.

Next we were versing our own school.  Weird!!  We were versing Parklands 4.  My position was GA (goal attack).  In the end we got seven and the other team got zero.  About two games later we got jellybeans, yum!   At the end of the day we came first place Yay!


During terms 3 and 4 we have been making cars.  They had to be self propelled and you had to make them yourself, but you could have had a little bit of help from mum and dad. (mostly dad.)

This is how I made my car.

Base: Pine wood for the base (chassis) of my car.  Tools used to make the base : Saw, carpenter's ruler, drill, pencil, and hammer.  Parts on the base : axle from an old toy truck, motor to drive the truck which is an old motor from an old tape deck.

Holes were drilled through the base to run the axles through.

Whaea Gladys blessing the tukutuku

Today on the 29th of October our school held a ceremony for the opening of our multi-purpose room.
Many people came including the Mayor Mr kempthorne,  Whaea Gladys,  Laura Ingram Kindergarten,
retired teachers, the board of trustees and many more!!!

First we sat down and waited for Whaea Tania to do a karanga and then call up the teachers who have taught or worked in room 10 or11.  She called up Fiona, Mrs Milne,Mrs Dogshun and lots more!! Then
Mr major welcomed Whaea Gladys up to bless the building.  The teachers followed Whaea Gladys
around the room while she blessed it.  After Whaea Gladys blessed the room we got to have a look.
It was awesome!!

Next Whaea Marion Edwin came up and said all the thank yous to everyone who helped make
the building.  Like the painters,electricians,plumbers,carpenters and lots more!  Whaea Tania announced the buildings name,Aniwaniwa,don't you think its a beautiful name? Aniwaniwa means rainbow. Whaea Tania told us about the of Aniwaniwa.


On the 8th of November we had a kapahaka festival.  Our school was hosting the festival. First we did a prayer and a welcoming then sang E toru nga mea.  After we did that our two classes
 went backstage and watched the performances in the dressing rooms.

Next we were up singing Pa mai ,E rona and Poutini (the haka).  Alana was the leader for Pa mai, Shannen for E rona and Liam,  Jack and Jackson for Poutini.  Everybody loved our performances.

Next Salisbury school came up and did their items.  We stayed until lunchtime and watched the other
schools perform.  After lunch we came back and watched the whanau perform. They were awesome!
At the end we sang the national anthem and packed up.


1. How to sign in.
2. How to sign out.
3. How to oen file new window.
4. How to put a picture on.
5. I can add captions.
6. I can go on to the school blog.
7. I can copy and paste.
8. I can find pictures.
9 I can get pictures from the internet
10. How to find the menu bar.
11. How to find book marks bar.
12. I can put pictures side by side.
13. I can put in a video from youtube.
Amber playing on computer.
14. How to put in a link
15. I can open safari.
16. leave one space after a comma,
17. Leave two spaces after a full stop.
18. How to put in a title.
19. I can find my post.
20. I can view blogger.
21. How to make a side show.
22. I can update my post.
23. How to play videos.
24. keyboard short cuts.
25. Hold shift down for symbols.
26. I can paragraph.
27. I can change font.
28. I can change size.
29. How to preview.
30. How to make words go to the middle of the page.
31. How to make words go to the left of the page.
32. How to make words go to the right of the page.
33. how to use colours.



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