Friday, March 9, 2012


My name is Harsh.  I am 10 years old. My goals for this year are:
    1. Get better at swimming
    2. Get better at writing
    3. Get faster at running 
    4. get even better at sports

On Friday,  24th February 2012 (24-2-12) Parklands School had a Turangawaewae festival (Multicultural festival).  We celebrate the Turangawaewae festival so people know that heaps of students from around the world are at our school.  There were; bouncy castles, raffle tickets, lots of food stalls etc.  I enjoyed eating cake from the cake stall.  My aunty made Indian food and sold them.


On the 20th of March 2012 a person named Nick came to teach us about Antarctica.  He is a scientist and he has been to Antarctica for a research about fish.  He showed us some photos.  I found out that you have to make your own shelter for training before you can explore the place properly. It takes approximately 8 hours to get to Antarctica from New Zealand (NZ).
It was very interesting learning about Antarctica.

Antarctica on PhotoPeach

Book Review
Name:  Harsh                   Room:  4
Title:  Zac Power- Frozen Fear
Author:  H.I. Larry 
Illustrator:  Ash Oswald
Plot (Story):  This is a fiction book and it is about a 12 year old boy named Zac Power  who goes on the most dangerous mission of his life...
Setting (Where and When):  Zac Power goes to the Great Icy Pole in the middle of his holidays.
Main Character(s): Zac Power
Why I chose him as my main character: Because the story is basically all based on him and he is awesome.
Why I chose this book and what my ratings are: I chose this book  because it looked very interesting. My ratings for this book is 99/100.
Age suitable for: 8+
We have book week to get children into books
During book week we did "Drop everything and read". 
 On book week I dressed up as a buccaneer. We went to walk in town.  We walked to the kindergarten and I saw my cousin.  Her name is Yatri.
When we came back we had morning tea.  I didn't like my costume.  I was glad when the bell rang!!!
                                                                                                                      Lake Rotoiti Trip
On the 22nd of May Room 3 and 4 went to Lake Rotoiti.  It was a bit boring for me though.  We had some honeydew and it tasted delicious.  Peta was an employee and she helped in guiding us. We also learned about eels that they are quite fat and they look a bit scary!  We got to watch a clip about eels.  At approximately 2:45 p.m.we left ad the bus part was boring!
                                                                                                                                 Rippa Rugby
On the 29th of May 2012 me and quite a lot of others had a Rippa Rugby tournament. Our games were an hour apart.  We won our 1st and 2nd game.
                                                                                                                         David Gawith's trips
David Gawith and Pakarana went to Nepal after going to Antarctica.
In Antarctica he studied biodiversity, climate change, global warming and much much more.
He got to Scott Base and got a picture with Pakarana.
Some of the ice was approximately 1foot thick!
It was a great adventure.
They climbed up a mountain that was 1'000m (1km)!  Pakarana got a picture of him leaning on a tree.
                                                                                                                                                                TREASURE ISLAND
This story starts in the Admiral Benbow, an inn.  Jim  Hawkins (played by Quin) works there.  Billy Bones (played by Shanti) comes to stay.  He has a map. He was once a pirate, a member of Captain Flint's crew.  He is visited by Black Dog (played by Stevie)who fights him. Then the evil Black Pew (played by Sacha) comes and scares him to death.
Jim gets the map. He gets the goodies, Dr Livesey (played by Charley) Squire Trelawney (played by Sarah),  Mr Dance (played by Shannen) and they hire a s called the Hispaniola. The captain is Captain Smollett (played by Makayla) who gets Long John (played by Madison) to collect a crew.  Long John is evil and one of Captain Flint's pirates.  He collects all the other pirates and away they sail.
Dr Livesey and Mr Dance
On the trip Jim hears of a plot to kill the goodies. When they get to the island the goodies go to the ship. The baddies go in search of the treasure.  An old pirate called Ben Gunn (played by Zion) who has been marooned, arrives and joins the goodies.
Jim takes off and sails the ship around the island. The pirates have nowhere to go.  There's a big fight.  The pirates are winning
until they hear Ben Gunn who they think is a ghost of Captain Flinty.  Ben Gunn screams horribly.
They all run away and the goodies find the treasure and sail back to England. My favourite part was when Ben Gunn came. My favourite character was Blind Pew because he is evil.
My part in the show was singing in the choir.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
The Olympics are held  every 4 years (leap years). Heaps of countries from around the world compete in the Olympics. Each competitors aim is for gold. Women and Men both compete. The first Olympics were held in Athens, Greece.  The 2012 Olympics were held in London, England.  The main medal winning countries were... U.S.A., China and Great Britain.  1st place.... U.S.A., 2nd place.... China, and 3rd place..... Great Britain!  My favourite sport in the Olympics is Soccer (football).  In shot put Valerie Adams got a silver but the person who came 1st took drugs so Valerie Adams came 1st!!! NZ came 15th in the Olympics. Watch a video.
ROCK DA HOUSE          
On the 30th of August 2012 we had Rock Da House memorial hall.  The show started at 7:30 but we had to get there by 7:00.  The soloists from parklands were, Jason (falling slowly) and Makayla (we are the world).  Song list...
  • we will rock you
  • we are the world
  • bad hair day
  • falling slowly
  • count on me
  • hey soul sister
  • black horse in a cherry tree
  • ma te mahi ka ora 
  • eye of the tiger
  • if you wanna sing out
  • calafornia dreaming
  • one day
  • something in the water
  • we're gonna have a party 
  • mary had a little lamb
Heaps of songs ay?  It was $10 a ticket.  There were door sales.  There was even a band as well called "The Peasants".  It was a noisy night.  There were lights and cool stuff like that.  On the song "Bad Hair Day" we put wigs on.  The show finished at 9:00.
good teeth
bad teeth
  In oral health I learnt about tooth diseases.  A few of them are, gingivitis (gum disease), cavities, tooth decay..... and so on.  You should at least brush your teeth 2 times a day.  Did you know that 97% of all the people in the world have cavities?  Creepy ay?  If you don't brush your teeth you get cavities and if you ignore cavities, they can cause you a lot of pain.


In winter tournament I played soccer.  I was in Logan's (captain) team.  In our team we had, Logan (captain), Harsh (me), Campbell, Makayla (Vice), Zac, Jaskaran, Alex, Bailey, Blake, and our coach was Tony (Blake's dad). Our team name was Parklands 3.

Our first game was against Parklands 1, the other parklands team.  We drew 1-1.  It was a really close game.

Our second game was against SPC (Saint Peter Chanel). We won 4-1.

Our toughest opponent was probably Upper Moutre because they beat us 5-3.

Our best game was against Lower Moutre.  We won 7-2 against them.

At the end Parklands 2 came 1st!  WOOHOO! Parklands 1 came 2nd!  YAY!  And our team (Parklands 3) came 6th!

Kaleb and Ryan



On the 29th of October 2012 we (Parklands School) had an opening ceremony for the new multi purpose room in Parklands.  People from the Ministry came along to watch too.  The Mayor came too!  The multi purpose room was named...... Aniwaniwa which means a rainbow in Maori.  We named the multi purpose room Aniwaniwa because there are people from all around the world at our school. Oh yeah you might be wondering what this has to do with anything.  Whaea Tania  told us a story about the rainbow colours arguing about which one is the best colour.  But when all of the colours unite they are all special.  At the end of the opening ceremony we got a biscuit and a chocolate. The multi purpose room is awesome!!!

The inside
Yummy chocolate

On Thursday the 8th of November 2012,  Parklands (our school) and some other schools are gonna  have a Maori festival called "Kapa Haka".  Room 4 and room 3 are performing 3 songs. 

They are,

  1. Pa Mai
  2. E Rona 
  3. Poutini (haka, boys only) 
The leaders are,

Alana (Pa Mai)
Shannen (E Rona)
Jack (Poutini)
Liam (Poutini)
Jackson (Poutini)

The boys have to do Kapa Haka without wearing t-shirts.  My favourite song is probably Poutini (the haka).  It will be fun!!!



On the 8th of November it was Kapahaka fun day.  It was held in the Memorial Hall.  Parklands (our school) were the hosting school.  First we welcomed all the people and schools.  Rooms 3,4,5,6 performed on stage.  Room 5 and 6 were performing on stage first.  They took approximately 7 minutes.  Then room 3 and 4 took their places on stage.  I'm in room 4 by the way.  First we started of by singing Pa Mai.  Alana was the leader.  It was sort of like a welcome too.  It took approximately 2 minutes.  Then we sang E Rona.  Shannen was the leader.  It took about 1 and a half minutes.  Then for our grand finale song, the boys did the Haka t-shirtless.  At the end the audience went, wooooohoooooo and whistled and clapped.  We were super-stars!!!  After that, all the other schools performed their songs.  Right at the end, the Whanau from Parklands performed.  They were fantastic!!!




This year we have learnt how to:

1. How to sign in
2. How to sign out
3. Keyboard shortcuts
4. How to put links in
5. How to find blogger on the bookmarks bar
6. How to put in a title
7. How to caption photos                                              
8. How to find photos
9. File new window
10. How to make a slideshow
11. How to enter videos          
12. How to get on safari
13. How to find my post
14. How to publish my post
15. How to view blog
16. How to view other peoples blogs
17. Leave 2 spaces after fullstop
18. Leave 1 space after comma

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