Thursday, March 15, 2012


I like playing  with my toys at home.  I am 9 years old.  my favourite colour is blue.  My interests are pirates,  science, toys, collecting, computers and family.  My goal is to have heaps of fun this year!

March 2
Turangawaewae festival 

We can raise money for the school by having the turangawaewae festival.  It has a bouncy castle, magnetic fishing,   rock climbing,  food stalls etc.  I enjoyed the watermelon, magnetic fishing and the bouncy castle.
  Rock Climbing activity

Here is a person climbing the rock
I think it looks fun


BOOK WEEK - Connor Duan it is cool!!!!!!! on PhotoPeach

We have book week because it inspires kids to read.  It was arranged by Becky.  During book week we had d.e.a.r.  We also do book reviews.
I reviewed Horrible Histories. On we dressed up as our theme.  This time we went as pirates. We go around town  in a parade.  I went as a pirate with ragged clothes, a shirt with fish on it and torn jeans !
 Duan came as a t-rex!  We made a slideshow of it!  My weapons were a cutlass and a flintlock pistol.
Duan had teeth and claws. By Connor
On Tuesday 22nd 2012 we drove to Lake Rotoiti .  We had a stroll in the walkway.  We found out that honeydew came out of a bug's bottom!  On the bus some people puked!  Peta from the department of conservation talked about controlling, a.k.a killing, possums, wasps, rats and stoats.
Here we are
She wants to control them because they kill native birds like Bellbirds, Tui and kiwi.  Possums eat eggs, rats eat birds, and stoats eat nearly  anything they can catch.
The scenery is beautiful
Display about the plants
ANTARCTICA : My favourite animals Krill food : Krill eat the plankton and algae from the bottom of icebergs. Where they live : Mostly the Ross Sea. Predators: Penguin, seal and orca. killer whale Food : Krill, whales, penguin and seals. where they live : Icy waters. predators : I don't think they have any!!
I'm flying!!!
Isn't she beautiful ?
ANTARTICA by Connor on PhotoPeach  
This story starts in the Admiral Benbow, an inn.  Jim  Hawkins (played by Quin) works there.  Billy Bones  (played by Shanti) comes to stay.  He has a treasure map .  He was once a pirate, a member of Captian  Flint's crew.  He is visited by Black Dog (played by Stevie) who fights him.  Then the evil Blind pew  (played by Sasha) comes and scares him to death.
Jim gets the map . He gets the Goodies, Dr Livesey (played by Charlie) Squire Trelawney (played by Sarah),  Mr Dance (played by Shannen) and they hire a ship called the Hispaniola.  The captain is Captain  Smollet (played by Makayla) who gets Long John (played by Madison) to collect a crew.  Long John is evil and one of Captain Flint's  pirates.  He collects all the other pirates and away they sail.
On the trip Jim  hears of a plot to get the treasure. When they get to the island the Goodies go to the stockade. The baddies go in search of the treasure.  An old pirate called Ben Gunn (played by Zion) who has been marooned, arrives and joins the gang.
Jim takes off and sails the ship around the island.  The pirates have nowhere to go.  There's a big fight.  The pirates are winning until they hear Ben Gunn who they think is a ghost of Captain Flint.  Ben Gunn screams horribly.
They all run away and the goodies find the treasure and sail back to England.  
My favourite part was  When Billy and  Blackdog fight because there's lots of action 
My favourite character was (why?)  Jim because he was funny and made fun  of the captain  .
My favourite part was the big fight because I like action!!!
My favourite character was Jim Hawkins because he is the main character.
this is the main cast
this is the whole cast
The modern Olympics started in the year 1896.This year's Olympics host is London, England. The Olympics are every 4 year's.Athletes from around the world compete to get the medals. The medals are Gold,Silver and bronze. New zealand has 3 Gold, 1 Silver and 2 bronze.England has 18 Gold,11 Silver and 11 bronze.America has 28 Gold and 15 Silver.Spain has 1 bronze.China has 18 Gold and 11 Silver.                  
My favourite sport in the  Olympics is fencing.Two people use swords and try to hit each other. There are three types of swords;the Epee,the sabre and the foil. The other sports are aquatics, archery, athletics, basketball, boxing, cycling, equestrian, football, gymnastics, sailing and shooting. I also like shooting, archery and sailing.   Viewmedal table                          
 click here to watch a video                                        
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ROCK DA HOUSE
This is the stage.
This is the choir .
This is the front of the stage.
Here's a side veiw.
The names of the songs are ; Eye of the tiger,  Black horse in a cherry tree,  California dreaming, Count on me,  If you wanna sing out,  Ma te mahi ka ora, We will rock you, One day, Someting in the water, The bad hair day , Were  gonna have a party, And Falling slowly                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
Last week I learned the layers of teeth.There's enamel, dentin and the pulp. The white stuff on the outside is enamel.  It's the hardest stuff in your body. If you peel away the enamel you would find dentin.  It protects the pulp.
horrible teeth
great teeth


In the winter tournament.   I played hockey.  I was in b grade. It was so fun. We only won one. We played at the Motueka High School.  There were schools from around the area. The date was 14/9/12. It was sunny and hot. We took breaks for morning tea and lunch. I was so so HUNGRY! Hockey is awesome!The other sports are; netball, soccer and rugby! My best teammates are; Bailey, Daniel and  Piper-mae. I bet the other team members had fun too!

This is the team!
This is Daniel and Bailey!

Me and my car

I made a car out of wood, plastic and batteries. My dad built an inner body out of wood. I made the outer body out of an ice cream container. On Friday the 19/10/12 we had the race. The cars were mouse trap, battery, push or pump propelled. I think mine did well!It was fun. Ryan's shot out fire works. Fergus's won. I came 2nd place in battery powered cars!!


On the 29/10/12 we had an opening ceremony for the multi-purpose room or Te Whare Aniwaniwa. It was a sunny morning and we all had to take our chairs. Whaea Tania welcomed everybody and told a story about the colours. They were arguing about who was the best colour. The colour black said:"Your'e only good when you work together as a rainbow".  I think blue is the best! Whaea Tania had a bright golden bucket. It was full of chocolate! I got toffee!YUCK!!!! Whaea Marion Edwin thanked all the people who helped build the building. They made a flax panel with a building of colours, stars and more! It is so cool! I like it! Its called the Whaia Te Iti Kahurangi. The building had a kitchen, two toilets and a huge room. The room is around 30 ft long and 20 ft wide. The kitchen is around 10 ft long and 7 ft wide. I don't know about the toilet. In the afternoon we used the new building for kapa haka.     

The opening!
This is us


For 8 week's room 4 has been training for the kapa haka festival. Our song's are:Pai mai, E  rona and poutini. On wednesday 6/11/12 the festival will commence. I think our hard work will pay off!It will be   awesome! I like kapa haka! I can't wait! Can you? The lyrics to poutini are:(thumping) poutini, poutini ke te  rere ha,oukapa oukapa ke te rere ha,aoutowana ohateana2X kss hi kss hi kss hi ha, kss hi kss hi kss hi ha,HI.


On the 8/11/12 we went to the Kapa Haka festival. We performed 3 songs :Pai mai, E rona and Poutini. The other schools that performed are ; Mot south, Ngatamoti , Riwaka ,  Upper and Lower moutere, Mahana, Mapua , Brooklyn, St Peter channel and Salisbury. I think our performance was best because we were really fierce! I enjoyed everybody's performance, especially mot south & ngatimoti! We all sang the national anthem. It was very, very much fun!  I reckon I performed excellently! The leaders did too!  It was great!  We had to stay backstage until we performed. The little ones went first. Whaea Tania was the host. The Whanau was great. 




  1. Never use the undo
  2. create a link
  3. own blog
  4. put pictures in
  5. caption pics
  6. place pics side by side
  7. youtube clips
  8. italics
  9. use fonts
  10. size
  11. make bold
  12. underline
  13. spell check
  14. align heading
  15. numbered list
  16. preview
  17. to update
  18. sign out and sign in
  19. get pics from internet
  20. get pics from server
  21. Smartnet
  22. Create slideshow
  23. view the Parklands website

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